Croydon Central planning application

Artist impression of Croydon

Council recently received a request from the owners of Croydon Central Shopping Centre to amend the approved plans that form part of the Development Plan Overlay (Schedule 6), within the Maroondah Planning Scheme.

The Development Plan Overlay applies to the entire land at 5-15 Kent Avenue, Croydon and identifies the land use and development outcomes contemplated for the land.

The Development Plan Overlay was originally approved by Council in 2014 following extensive community consultation and engagement as part of the combined planning scheme amendment and permit application process (Amendment C85). 

The approval of the Development Plan Overlay reflected the agreed land use and development aspirations for the site, which is for a mix of commercial and residential development in two stages. Much of the works related to the commercial shopping area and residential dwellings in Stage 1 have been completed. 

This recent request to amend the approved plans of the Development Plan Overlay is for the portion of land fronting Wicklow Avenue and is known as Stage 2.

View the plans

Download the plans below:

Development Plan Part 1(PDF, 10MB)

Development Plan Part 2(PDF, 6MB)

Development Plan Appendix(PDF, 4MB)

Planning Report(PDF, 1MB)

Traffic Report(PDF, 5MB)

Traffic Report Appendix A, C, D and E(PDF, 5MB)

Traffic Report Appendix B(PDF, 19MB)

Provide feedback

Council is currently seeking community feedback regarding the application. Feedback should be submitted to Council no later than 27 February 2025.

Provide feedback

Further information

For further information on the planning application, please contact Council’s Statutory Planning team on 1300 88 22 33.