Children and Families Strategy

Maroondah City Council wants every child in Maroondah to be happy, healthy and thriving. Council values our children and their families, and we are committed to ensuring they all have the opportunities and support they need to make that aspiration a reality.

Council’s Children and Families Strategy intends to make children and their families a priority in Maroondah. This Strategy is Council’s commitment to creating a connected community where all children and their families thrive.

Fulfilling this commitment will require collective effort, hard work, investment, and above all a dedication to prioritising the best interests and wellbeing of our children and their families.

Developing the Children and Families Strategy

The development of the Children and Families Strategy was informed by extensive community consultation, service reviews, service infrastructure needs analysis and research from 2018 to 2020. This has established a strong evidence base with the needs and strengths of Maroondah’s children and their families at its heart.

The Children and Families Strategy provides clear strategic direction to guide and focus Council’s work with and for children aged 0 to 12 and their families who live, work, study or play in the City of Maroondah. It is Council’s key strategic document regarding children and their families.

The Children and Families Strategy seeks to:

  • support Council to raise the wellbeing of Maroondah’s children and their families
  • utilise a strong evidence base to help Council meet the needs and aspirations of Maroondah’s children and their families
  • actively engage children and their families in the development of the Strategy and its Action Plans
  • guide and focus Council’s work with and for children and their families into the future.

Children and Families Strategy(DOCX, 2MB)

Children and Families Strategy(PDF, 2MB)

Children, Youth and Families Action Plan 2023-2025

This Action Plan supplements Council’s Children and Families Strategy and Youth Strategy. It outlines the actions that Council will undertake to deliver both Strategies across 2023/24 and 2024/25. 

Children, Youth and Families Action Plan 2023-2025(PDF, 1000KB)

Children, Youth and Families Action Plan 2023-2025(DOCX, 1MB)