Hard rubbish and bundled prunings

Maroondah households with a residential waste service can book any of the below collections per financial year (1 July to 30 June):   

  • Two x single hard waste OR two x single bundled prunings collections
  • One  x double hard waste OR one x double bundled prunings collection
  • One x single hard waste AND one x single bundled prunings collection  

Up to two additional paid collections per financial year, can be booked. These bookings can only be made on the online portal.

Collection sizes

Single collection

2m3 = 2 metres long x 1 metre deep x 1 metre high

See full sized image

Double collection

4m3 = 4 metres long x 1 metre deep x 1 metre high

Double hard waste collection dimensions
See full sized image

What can/can't be collected

If you can't find what you are looking for here, search your item in our A to Z of waste disposal guide to see how to dispose of it.

Jump to bundled prunings

Hard waste



  • washing machines, dishwashers, stoves, dryers, fridges and freezers (with doors removed)
  • electrical appliances
  • metal tools and equipment
  • lawn mowers (empty of petrol and oil)
  • empty paint tins (with lids removed)
  • old tins, scrap iron and other metal items (excluding car parts).

Other hard waste

  • household furniture
  • mattresses (max of 3, placed separately from other items)
  • securely wrapped and labelled glass from table tops or coffee tables, window glass, mirrors (max 1.5m long) and shower screens
  • internal doors (max of 3)
  • carpet and underlay (rolled and tied, max 1.5m long and no more than 2 rooms)
  • kitchenware, pottery and crockery
  • timber (up to 10 pieces, without nails or staples, max 1.5m long)
  • clothes hoists (max 1.5m long). If set in ground remove concrete.
  • patio blinds (max 1.5m long, rolled and tied)
  • home improvement material such as cupboards, solar panels (max 6), toilet fittings (0.5 cubic meter limit)
  • e-waste, including flat screen and cathode ray tube televisions, computers, laptops, keyboards, mice, printers, scanners, cables, cords, hard drives, monitors, tablets and notebooks.

Not accepted

Click on the links to see how you can dispose of these items.

Bundled prunings


  • Tied up bundles of prunings - max 150cm long and 30cm wide.
  • Single tree limbs/logs smaller than 20cm wide and 150cm long (no branches attached and neatly stacked).

Not accepted

Click on the links to see how to dispose of these items.

  • Loose green waste e.g. untied prunings and grass clippings
  • Tree stumps
  • Unacceptable binding materials, e.g. synthetic, metal or plastic
  • Other garden waste e.g .concrete and plastic pots, garden features, pavers, soil and rubble
  • Hard waste materials (a separate hard waste collection must be booked to dispose of any hard waste items) 

Make a booking

Guidelines - read before booking

In this section

About your booking

  • Make sure you have booked your collection before you place your waste on the naturestrip so we know it is not illegally dumped waste.
  • Bookings can be made one week in advance. Please note that during periods of high demand, bookings may be taken further in advance.
  • Hard waste and bundled prunings collections must be booked separately.
  • Booked collections cannot be changed or cancelled.

How to set up your hard waste pile

  • Bundle and tie prunings with natural string or twine (no synthetic material or metal wire).
  • Bundles are to be no more than 150cm long and 30cm wide. 
  • Single tree limbs need to be smaller than 20cm wide and 150cm long (no branches attached and neatly stacked). 
  • Keep your pile neat and tidy. Ensure footpaths, in-ground hydrants and pits are clear. Our contractors only collect items from the nature strip and will not enter your property.

Correct hard waste pile set up
Correct pile set up - Mattress to the side of the pile with nothing on top. Fridge with door removed.

Incorrect hard waste pile set up
Incorrect pile set up - Do not place items on top of mattresses. 

How to set up your bundled prunings 

  • Bundle and tie prunings with natural string or twine (no synthetic material or metal wire). 
  • Bundles are to be no more than 150cm long and 30cm wide. 
  • Single tree limbs need to be smaller than 20cm wide and 150cm long (no branches attached and neatly stacked). 
  • Items must be able to be lifted to shoulder height by one person. 
  • Keep your pile neat and tidy. Ensure footpaths, in-ground hydrants and pits are clear. Our contractors only collect items from the nature strip and will not enter your property.

Correct bundled prunings set up


Uncollected materials

If your hard waste items are not all collected, a sticker will be placed on the item(s) left behind explaining if there were any collection issues.

If your bundled prunings are not all collected, please check your letterbox for a note explaining if there were any collection issues.

Uncollected hard waste or bundled prunings should be reported within one week of the scheduled collection date.

Over limit or non-conforming items should be removed from the nature strip within 24 hours.

For assistance please contact our Customer Service team:

Live chat (8.30am to 5pm weekdays and 9.30am to 5pm on weekends)
Call 1300 88 22 33

Make a booking

Step 1.Read our guidelines

Step 2.Book your hard waste/bundled pruning collection

Book online

You can also book by:

Live chat (8.30am to 5pm weekdays and 9.30am to 5pm on weekends)

You will receive confirmation by email once the booking is made.

Step 3.Put your items out

Place your hard waste and/or bundled prunings on your naturestrip the weekend before your booking.

For assistance with your booking please call 1300 882 233 or contact our Customer Service team by email or by Live chat (8.30am to 5pm weekdays and 9.30am to 5pm on weekends).

More ways to get rid of your waste

Scrap metal, electronic waste and mattresses are collected for recycling, but other household items such as furniture, toys and books are sent to landfill. If your household items are in good, usable condition, consider donating or selling them instead.

For more recycling and disposal options, visit our A-Z of waste disposal guide.