Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July® helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. This helps to ensure we can have cleaner streets, oceans and beautiful communities by choosing to refuse single-use plastics. Last year an estimated 89 million people globally participated, reducing their household plastic consumption by 240 million kilograms. 

The Plastic Free July challenge provides resources and ideas to help participants (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school and in the community.  

How to make a difference this Plastic Free July

Below are some tips and tricks on how you can make a difference:

  • Take your own container to your local butcher, deli or fishmonger to avoid pre-packaged meat products 
  • Switch from bottled hair and body products to a shampoo bar or soap bar 
  • Choose reusable drink bottles 
  • Make homemade snacks 
  • Choose loose produce, or take your own produce bags 
  • Avoid disposable coffee cups and ‘up your cup game’ 
  • Bring a reusable container for takeaways 
  • Make your own reusables kit
  • Avoid plastic wrap in the kitchen by using reusable food covers or beeswax wraps 
  • Make your own personal care products 

It's a great idea to join a group to take the challenge together. This could be the start of a life-changing experience for you, your family, your colleagues or your local school. 

Get started with this Action Picker to browse some popular ideas and make your pledge!  

Download the Action Picker(PDF, 86KB)

Other ways to get involved in Plastic Free July

  1. Register for the challenge. Participants receive weekly tips to help them to keep motivated, and enjoy stories from others around the world who are reducing plastic waste
  2. Sign up for one of Council's free events or workshops
  3. Find out if you are a plastic-free champion or test your plastics knowledge and ace our quiz.
  4. Watch this one-minute animation to get started or browse these popular ideas to reduce plastics in your household
  5. Find local businesses that accept reusable containers on BYO Containers
  6. Download our Plastic Free July - 31 days of tips calendar

The Plastic Free July website is a great place to get inspiration and support and to share your tips, ideas, and experiences.

Upcoming events

Waste education newsletter 

Council hosts a range of community waste and recycling workshops within the municipality each year. 

Sign up to our waste event newsletter below to find out about free upcoming seminars, workshops, competitions, and events as well as information on educational presentations for schools and community groups.  

Sign up to our Waste Education newsletter