Naturestrip trees

Maroondah prides itself on its leafy green environment and the abundance of canopy trees throughout the municipality. 

To help maintain Maroondah’s tree canopy, Council plants thousands of new street trees every year. These trees are specifically chosen for their site suitability, environmental benefits, drought resistance and ease of maintenance.

Our planting programs

Our annual planting programs ensure that new generations of plants will keep our streetscapes, parks and reserves viable. 

We collect information about required planting throughout the year, and we plant trees during the planting season from late May until early September. 

We have 2 main planting programs for nature strip trees:

  1. Block planting ensures that all viable nature strips in Maroondah are planted. As much of Maroondah’s streetscape consists of older trees that are fast reaching the end of their useful life expectancy, the planning and propagation of our future streetscape is vital.
  2. Infill planting responds to residential requests for nature strip trees and the planting out of newly developed areas. It also includes nature strips where Council has removed a tree and a replacement is required.

Street tree selection

We choose the nature strip tree to be planted based on the size of the nature strip, the presence of power lines and the existing streetscape. Where possible, we plant indigenous species to ensure longevity of existing plant and wildlife populations.

Trees selected for planting in Maroondah must perform well in our climate and show some degree of drought tolerance. They must also meet aesthetic requirements. 

Maroondah’s street tree planting species list can be divided into 3 classes: 

  • Large trees - Where there is a full size nature strip without powerlines, we usually plant full size canopy trees, which provide maximum benefits to the community.
  • Intermediate trees - Where the nature strip is not large enough to support a large canopy tree and power lines are absent, we plant trees of medium size.
  • Small trees - Where a nature strip is particularly small but still able to sustain a tree, or where power lines run above a nature strip, we can still create a sustainable streetscape by planting a smaller species of tree.

Request tree planting

Request a tree to be planted on your naturestrip

Street tree data capture

To gather data about Council trees, Maroondah is divided into blocks that are reviewed consecutively over a 2-year period. The street tree pruning program is driven by works allocated from these data capture inspections. 

Data capture also allows for long-term population management as trees that are dead, have a short useful life expectancy, or an unacceptable level of risk, can be identified and managed appropriately.

Tree pruning

Line clearance and street pruning

Nature strip trees are cleared from power lines, roads and footpaths in accordance with Council’s Electrical Line Clearance Management Plan and Road Management Plan. Line clearance and street tree pruning works are guided by the data capture program. 

Clearance requests from residents may be included in the existing works program if works are scheduled in your area in the near future. 

If you would like to know when your area is scheduled for block pruning please contact us on 1300 88 22 33.

Report damage

If a tree on the nature strip requires urgent attention or inspection, removal or replacement, submit a customer request online or call us on 1300 88 22 33.

Private trees

Council does not prune private trees. 

Overhanging branches from private properties must be maintained by the owner of that property. Where pruning is required on a significant tree, a qualified arborist should undertake the job. 

Homeowners should refrain from planting prickly, low-hanging trees or shrubs adjacent to the footpath or property boundary. Residents have an obligation to maintain pedestrian clearance on footpaths. 

Council may notify a resident if pruning away from Council land is required. Where there is an issue of noncompliance, Council may complete the works, which will then be charged to the property owner.


Tree removal

Tree removal restrictions apply to both Council and residents.

All tree removals must comply with the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Maroondah Planning Scheme. Therefore Council is required to submit and obtain planning permit approval prior to removing a tree that does not meet exemption requirements. 

We understand the importance of tree preservation for long-term canopy cover and associated benefits to the community. We only remove trees for renewal or safety reasons, when work on the tree cannot save it. 

You cannot remove a tree just because:

  • it is blocking someone’s view
  • branches grow into adjacent properties
  • it is dropping leaves and fruit
  • grass will not grow under it
  • it is causing minor damage to roads and footpaths
  • it is dying (if the tree is dead and has environmental value, providing it is not a safety hazard, the tree may be retained as a habitat tree). 

Is your naturestrip tree damaged or dead?

Let us know when a tree dies or has been damaged. Submit a customer request online or call us on 1300 88 22 33.

Caring for our nature strip trees

The following hinders tree growth and should be avoided:

  • piling up lawn clippings against trunks
  • whipper snipper use, which damages bark
  • over-watering
  • soil compaction (parking vehicles over the root zone)
  • poor drainage.

How you can help

Like most plants, trees need very little assistance from people. A little watering, especially during dry periods or in the first year of life, is all they require to grow and thrive. 

Let us know when a tree dies or has been damaged. Submit a customer request online or call us on 1300 88 22 33.