Parking permits
Maroondah Council offers a limited variety of parking permits to accommodate different parking needs. These permits allow parking near residences, workplaces and accessible locations. Eligibility and permit schemes may vary depending on the specific area or permit type.
Please refer to the below accordions for more information on the available permits and their respective conditions.
Disabled parking permit
- Blue - Category 1
For parking:
- in a bay reserved for disabled motorists only, or
- for twice the specified time in a standard parking bay.
- Green - Category 2
- For parking for twice the specified time in a standard parking bay, but not in a disabled parking bay.
Apply for a Disabled parking permit
Residential parking permits (Non-RMAC)
Residential parking permits within the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre
Only applies to certain streets in the Ringwood MAC area, which is bound by:
- Heatherdale Road to the west
- Ringwood Bypass to the north
- Ringwood Lake to the east
- Belgrave/ Lilydale rail line to the south.
You can apply for:
- RMAC Resident permit - Applies to single house dwellings (not units, apartments and townhouses)
- RMAC Visitor permit - Eligible residents can request 1 set of visitor permits per month (set = 12 x 4 hour and 6 x daily)
Apply for parking permit for the Ringwood MAC
Activity Centre reserved bay parking permits
For motorists who wish to apply for a reserved parking bay in the Devon Street, Croydon multi-storey carpark. These are different permits to the Croydon Traders Parking Permits.
Types of multi-storey reserved bay permits
- 1 month
- 6 months
- 12 months
- 24 hour access (optional)
See permit fees and apply for a multi-storey carpark reserved bay
Further information
For further information on parking permits contact Council on 1300 88 22 33.