Fire ready in Maroondah

Fire Danger Period declared

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) has declared the Fire Danger Period in Maroondah will commence on Monday 23 December 2024.

Fire restrictions will be in force from this time which means you cannot light a fire in the open air unless you have a permit.

The Fire Danger Period is declared based on rainfall, grassland curing rates and other local conditions. It is not the same as Total Fire Ban days.

Find out more on the CFA website

Reporting a Fire Hazard

To report a fire hazard, please submit your request online via our online services or call 1300 88 22 33.

Report Online

Please upload a photo to help us respond to your request.

Fire preparedness

All property owners are encouraged to ensure their homes and properties are fire ready in the lead up to the Fire Danger period.

From late spring each year, Council officers inspect Vacant land and unkept properties across the Municipality of Maroondah to ensure that long grass and unkept vegetation that may pose a fire hazard are managed to reduce the fire risk.

Undertaking Fire Prevention works on your property by removing and clearing up fine fuels, such as bark, long grass and fallen leaves prior to the Fire Danger Period is critical to reducing the fire risks. These clearance works need to begin well before the heat of summer to make your property as safe as possible, preventing the risk of fires and the possible spread to neighbouring properties.

If you reside near a Council bushland reserve and have concerns about the vegetation within this reserve, please contact Council so that an inspection and assessment of this reserve can be undertaken. 

The Fire Rescue Victoria Act (1958) requires property owners and tenants to maintain their properties so that they do not become a fire hazard.

For more information about preparing your property prior to the Fire Danger period please visit the CFA website

Important links 

Maintaining your property

Removal of fire hazards on your property

Property owners are encouraged to implement a regular maintenance program on their property to ensure all long grass is cleared and other potential fire hazards are identified and removed without the need for Council intervention.

The risk of a fire is significantly reduced when properties are well maintained. Property owners are required to maintain their properties in accordance with Maroondah City Council Community Local Law 2023.

Common external fire hazards include, but are not limited to: 

  • Dry long grass
  • Bark
  • Dry branches, leaves and foliage 
  • Leaves in roof gutters
  • Firewood near the dwelling
  • Rubbish piles
  • Building materials 
  • Gas and chemical containers
  • Garden mulch in piles 
  • Storage of paint containers and other such flammable materials

Fire Hazard Inspections

Every year in the lead up to summer, Council Fire Prevention Officers undertake proactive inspections of all vacant properties across the Municipality. This program is run as part of our annual Fire Prevention Program and continues throughout Summer until the end of the fire danger period.

Fire Prevention Notices may be sent to property owners following an inspection of their property, when a property is considered to pose a potential fire risk. A reasonable period of time is provided to the property owner to complete the prescribed fire hazard clearance work on the Fire Prevention Notice.  

If the property owners fail to comply with the Notice, enforcement action may proceed, infringements may be issued to each property owner and a contractor engaged by Council to complete the required works at the owner's expense.  

Where appropriate, Council may escalate the enforcement action by proceeding directly to the Magistrates’ Court.

Total fire ban days

Fires in the open air are legally restricted on days when the fire danger is extreme - on such days, the CFA declares a total fire ban. 

Find out what you can and can't do on days of total fire ban.

Read more about total fire ban days

Fire Danger Rating, Fire Bans and Fire Danger Period

Victoria has adopted a nationally agreed fire danger rating scale to help communities understand information about fire danger. 

A fire danger rating is a prediction of fire behaviour, including how hard it would be to put out a fire once it starts.

Central District Total Fire Ban & Fire Danger Ratings