Dog ownership

In Maroondah, dogs are important members of the family. A dog can be a joy but they are a big responsibility too. Dogs are a lifelong commitment, but given the chance, they will love you for life.
Things to consider as a responsible dog owner include:
Legal requirements:
Dog behaviour training
Behaviour training is essential for all dogs, regardless of breed, size or age.
Training is an important part of owning a dog and doesn’t just happy when a dog is a puppy. Regular training can serve as valuable mental stimulation for your dog and will contribute to a more polite, well-behaved dog.
Some important commands for all the family to teach your dog to obey are ‘sit’, ‘stay’ and ‘come’.
Children and dogs
Dogs and children have a very special bond. Dogs can provide children with companionship and loyal friendship and in return children can provide their dog with affection and endless opportunities for activity and interaction.
Young children who are bitten by dogs most often know the dog - it's either their own, a friend's or a neighbour's dog. More often than not, these bites occur in and around their own homes.
Dogs and young children should always be supervised. Teach your child the Dos and Don'ts:
- Don't approach a strange dog without permission from the owner.
- Do approach a dog slowly with the back of the hand extended.
- Do curl your fingers and allow the dog to sniff.
- Do stroke the dog gently on the chest, shoulder or under the chin.
- Don't approach dogs that are sleeping or eating.
- Do stand still like a fence post if approached by a strange dog.
- Don't squeal or jump.
- Do avoid eye contact with the dog.

Further information
Choosing a pet
Deciding to become a pet owner requires considered thought and planning - all potential pet owners need to be sure they are ready to take on the responsibility of owning a pet before making a choice of breed of pet.
For more information see Choosing a new pet.
Missing pet
If your cat or dog is lost and you would like to check if it has been found, contact Council during business hours on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598.
If Council cannot assist you, please contact:
- Animal Aid 9739 0300
- RSPCA 9224 2222
- your local vet.
What if my animal is picked up by Council?
If a Council Ranger picks up your cat or dog, it may be taken to Animal Aid in Coldstream where it will be cared for until it is claimed.
When you collect your animal from Animal Aid you will be charged a release fee. Please note that separate Council fines may also apply.
Deceased animals
If your animal is deceased please notify Council so that the animal can be taken off our files.
If you find a deceased animal on Council property, contact the Council's Operations Centre on 1300 88 22 33 to arrange pick up. If the animal has been microchipped, Council will notify the family.
Codes of Practice
The Victorian Government has introduced two codes of practice for private owners of dogs and cats, to provide guidance for standards of care of your pet.
Further information on the codes can be found at the Department of Primary Industries website.
Related information