Pet registration and renewal

State legislation requires that all dogs and cats be registered with Council by the age of 3 months. Registrations are due on 10 April each year.

See current fees

Pay cat registration renewal online  Pay dog registration renewal online

Sign up to receive renewals by email

You can sign up to receive your animal registration notices by email. Once you register you will no longer receive a paper version of that notice

Sign up for email renewal notices

What would you like to do today?

Register my pet for the first time

If you are registering your pet for the first time they must be microchipped before you can complete the registration process. 

Maroondah residents can have up to 2 cats/kittens microchipped free of charge at Animal Aid’s Veterinary Clinic.

First-time registration fees are charged pro rata, so your registration fee will be calculated based on how close to the renewal date you are. If paying online, this will be calculated automatically, otherwise contact Council to find out the required payment.

Information on transferring from another Council can be found further down this page. 

See registration fees

Register your pet online

Prefer paper? See all pet registration forms

Dog and cat foster carers

Domestic animal foster carers must register all animals housed at their premises, even if with them for a short time.

Under State Government legislation, foster carers can receive reduced registration fees if they choose to enrol in the Foster Carers Voluntary Enrolment Scheme

Renew pet registration

Pet registration is due for renewal on 10 April each year. You will receive a renewal notice in the mail in March based on February data. Payment options are provided on your notice. You can also register to receive your renewal notices by email

If the information on your renewal notice is incorrect please update your details on the notice and return it with your payment either by mail or in person (not by BPAY, phone or Internet).

Pay cat registration renewal online  Pay dog registration renewal online

You can also pay:

Get a new registration tag

Council-issued registration tags are lifelong and are not replaced when you renew your registration.

Need a new tag?

Replacement tags are available free of charge by:

My pet has a new owner

Change of owner

If the new owner lives in Maroondah, you can change pet ownership details with us, using a change of ownership form. If the new owner lives in another council area, you will need to contact the new council for their registration requirements, and cancel your pet registration in Maroondah.

Change of ownership forms

Cancel pet registration

If your pet has died or moved to a different council area, please tell us so we can update our records:

My address has changed

To change your mailing address for your pet registration, please fill in a change of details form.

Transfer my registration from another Council to Maroondah

Council will waive the registration fee if you are moving from another Council into Maroondah and have already paid your registration. Proof of current registration will need to be uploaded with your application. A Certificate of Registration can be obtained from your previous Council and provided as proof of registration.

Transfers from another council are free, but you will need proof of registration.

Important to note

  • When completing your pet registration online, please ensure you select 'Transfer from other municipality' under Animal Classes section. This will then apply a $0 Animal Fee.
  • Proof of current registration is required and must be uploaded with your application.  It must be payment proof or a certificate of registration from the previous Council advising animal has current registration. A copy of a previous Council renewal is not acceptable proof. Please have this document ready when completing your form.

Transfer my registration

See registration fees

Register your pet online

Prefer paper? See pet registration form

My responsibilities

  • You must be 18 to register your pet.
  • Your dog or cat must be microchipped before it can be registered.
  • A permit is required to keep more than 2 dogs and/or 2 cats.
  • Your animal must wear its registration tag at all times.
  • Under Council's Community Local Law 2023, while your dog is not on your property, you must always carry a container or plastic bag and clean up and dispose of your dog's faeces.
  • Please give us your mobile telephone number if you have one - this helps us to reunite you with your lost pet.

Registration checks and penalties

Our animal management officers carry out door-knocks across Maroondah to check the registration of dogs and cats. Officers will be in uniform and will be carrying Council identification.

Where unregistered animals are found, a Notice to Comply will be issued for registration. When owners are not home an information pack, including a Notice to Comply, will be sent. 

Animal management officers also check the number of animals housed on a property. If more than 2 dogs and/or 2 cats are found, an application for a permit will be sent to the owners. 

If you have not registered your animals appropriately fines may apply.


Penalties apply to owners of:

  • unregistered animals
  • animals found wandering
  • animals found not wearing a registration tag.

Assistance dogs

Assistance dogs can be registered for free if the owner meets the eligibility criteria.

See more about the eligibility requirements and how to apply.

Reduced fees

Eligibility criteria for reduced fee on new registrations are that the animal must be desexed, or over 10 years of age, or part of a Domestic Animal Business or applicable organisation (proof must be provided).

Organisations include:

An applicable organisation is approved by the Minister for Agriculture under section 5A of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (DA Act). Current applicable organisations include any of the following:

Proof of membership must be provided when you apply.

Further information 

If you require further information you can:

Related links