Permitted number of pets

You need a Keeping additional animals permit if your land is less than or equal to 0.5ha, and you would like to keep more than:
- two dogs, and/or
- two cats, and/or
- five rodents, and/or
- 20 domestic birds, and/or
- 20 pigeons, and/or
- five poultry.
Roosters are not permitted.
Permits are renewed annually on 10 April upon payment of the appropriate fee.
Animal restrictions
Maroondah City Council Local Law 2023 references keeping animals.
This protects both the safety of the neighbourhood, as well as the welfare of animals and pets. It covers:
- numbers of animals that can live on a property
- animal housing
- the secure confinement of animals within the area.
Property inspections
An Animal Management Officer will be in contact with you to arrange an inspection of your property before a permit is issued.
Permit considerations
Before granting a permit, Council may consider:
- the area of the land
- the zoning of the land
- the reason for the application
- the proximity to adjoining occupiers
- the amenity (facilities) of the area
- the type and number of animals to be kept at the location
- the likely effect on adjoining properties/neighbours
- the adequacy of the proposed accommodation
- any membership by the applicant of any relevant authorised association or organisation
- the age of the animals
- the cleanliness of the area
- any other matter relevant to the circumstances of the application.
Breeding animals
If you are applying to keep extra animals as you are breeding them, you must be a registered breeder with one of:
- Dogs Victoria
- Master Dog Breeders and Associates (MDBA)
- Feline Control Council.
If you are not a member of any of these organisations, and have 3 or more fertile female dogs or cats, and you sell puppies/kittens, you will need to be registered as a Domestic Animal Business and obtain a Source Number from the State Government.
Apply for a permit
You can apply online, by mail or in person.
Permit application forms
Please see the application for relevant conditions.
How many animals can I have without a permit?
Without a permit, the number of animals on one property at any time must not be more than the maximum number listed below:
Type of animal
Maximum Number
Domestic birds
Large birds
Poultry (no roosters)
Racing pigeons
Ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits or rodents
Any other agricultural animals
Animal definitions and requirements
A dog of either sex or desexed that is over the age of 3 months
A cat of either sex or desexed that is over the age of 3 months
Includes any rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats and hamsters and other mammals characterised by incisors adapted for gnawing and nibbling
Large bird
Any cockatoo, parrot, pheasant, peafowl, goose or turkey or other similar sized bird but excludes poultry, pigeons and any domestic bird
Domestic bird
Any small birds such as canaries, finches, budgerigars and the like
Includes chickens, ducks, fowl and other domestic fowl or similar sized bird but does not include any large bird, rooster or domestic bird
For further information and requirements relating to the different animal types:
Keeping bees
Keeping bees is restricted by the Apiary Code of Practice and you may need a Planning Permit to keep hives on your property.
A Planning Permit is required if: