Getting around

Maroondah is serviced by various public and private transport companies. Transport across the municipality includes trains, buses, taxis and specialist community services.
Maroondah interactive map
Our interactive map shows bus routes, railway stations, and even footpath locations for our walkers. Select Bus Routes to see the different routes and their numbers.
See contact details for transport services:
Train services
The Lilydale and Belgrave lines are the two main metropolitan rail lines throughout Maroondah.
Bus services
Bus routes operating in Maroondah and to neighbouring areas are provided by the following companies:
Taxi services
Companies servicing Maroondah are:
Taxi ranks are often situated at shopping precincts or railway stations such as Eastland and Ringwood Station.
For the elderly or those with a disability
When booking a taxi, request a driver who is known to demonstrate courtesy, and a willingness to assist if movement in and out of the vehicle is difficult.
Residents with a permanent or severe disability who cannot access public transport by themselves may seek membership to the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program, which offers concessional taxi travel.
Apply through the Victorian Taxi Directorate on 1800 638 802.
Community transport
Community transport services are provided by various organisations to complement gaps in existing transport systems.
Eastern Transport Register
The Eastern Transport Register is a vehicle sharing register that operates across the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne. It offers transport options for the elderly, as well as people with disabilities and their carers.
Phone 03 9879 6972 for more information.
Red Cross Patient Transport Service
The Red Cross Patient Transport Service is a service for people who are isolated and have limited transport options to attend essential medical appointments.
Phone 1800 246 850 for more information.
Public transport to Council Service Centres
Ringwood Town Square, 179 Maroondah Highway (opposite Ringwood Station).
Belgrave and Lilydale line trains and buses travel through Ringwood Station and Bus Interchange, only a 5 minute walk from the Ringwood Town Square.
Croydon Library, Civic Square, Croydon.
- Rail
Croydon Station, on the Lilydale line, is about a 10 minute walk to Civic Square.
- Bus
Services with stops within 4 minutes walk
688 Croydon to Olinda
690 Croydon to Boronia
737 Croydon to Monash University
A number of bus services stop at the Croydon Bus Interchange located either side of Croydon Station.
Public Transport Ombudsman
The Public Transport Ombudsman (PTO) Ltd is a free, confidential and impartial alternative dispute resolution scheme available to people who use or are affected by public passenger transport services, or related activities of public transport in Victoria.
Public Transport Ombudsman
PO Box 538, Collins Street West, Melbourne 8007
Freecall 1800 466 865
03 8623 2111
Public Transport Ombudsman website