Amendment C148maro – Maroondah-wide Heritage Amendment (post WWII)

Council has prepared Amendment C148maro to the Maroondah Planning Scheme.

As exhibited, the Amendment proposes to implement the recommendations of the City of Maroondah Heritage Study Review Volume 2: Citations for Individual Heritage Places and Heritage Precincts (Built Heritage Pty Ltd, April 2023) by applying the Heritage Overlay on a permanent basis to 36 individual places, 3 precincts, and 1 serial group listing.

To find out more about the Amendment visit Council's Your Say Maroondah website.


Council Adoption of Amendment C148maro

Council resolved on 18 March 2024 to adopt Amendment C148maro to the Maroondah Planning Scheme in accordance with the Panel’s recommendations except in relation to the Sunbower Display Village Precinct HO187 (20-24 Rawson Court, Ringwood East) which is to be removed from Amendment C148maro.  In accordance with the Panel recommendation the following changes to the exhibited Amendment were adopted by Council:

Delete the application of the Heritage Overlay to the following places:

  • Ringwood Drive-In Shopping Centre at 1-4/86 Maroondah Highway and 1-10 Murray Place, Ringwood (HO172)
  • Contemporary Homes group listing (HO188)
  • Humphrey Law and Co. building at 22-26 Armstrong Road, Heathmont (HO148)
  • Former Bennett Residence at 52 Loughnan Road, Ringwood North (HO156)
  • 6 The Outlook, Heathmont (HO164)
  • 9-11 Wonga Road, Ringwood North (HO177)
  • 2A Dirkala Avenue, Heathmont (HO179)
  • 22 Lucille Avenue, Croydon South (HO181)
  • 4 Wendy Court, Heathmont (HO182)
  • 3 The Boulevard, Heathmont (HO183).

Amend the following Statements of Significance for:

  • 254 Canterbury Road, Bayswater (HO152) Statement of Significance as shown in the Panel preferred version in Appendix E.
  • 129 and 131-133 Dorset Road, Croydon (HO153) Statement of Significance to delete reference to Criteria F and H.
  • 67 Loughnan Road, Ringwood (HO157) Statement of Significance to delete reference to Criterion F.
  • 17 Malcolm Court, Ringwood East (HO160) Statement of Significance to delete reference to Criterion H.
  • 25-27 Exeter Road, Croydon (HO168) Statement of Significance to delete reference to Criterion B.
  • 4 Swain Court, Heathmont (HO174) Statement of Significance to delete reference to Criteria F and H.
  • 30-32 Station Street, Ringwood (HO184) Statement of Significance to identify the Sunday School Hall as a non-contributory building.

Amend the Heritage Design Guidelines for 254 Canterbury Road, Bayswater (HO152) as shown in the Panel preferred version.

Amend the extent of the Heritage Overlay for 254 Canterbury Road, Bayswater (HO152) to reflect Mr Reeves ‘barest minimum’ Option 2.

Download Council Minutes

Next steps

Following the adoption of the Amendment Council has requested the approval of the Amendment by the Minister for Planning.

The Minister for Planning will make the final decision regarding the  approval of the Amendment. 


Panel Report

An Independent Planning Panel considered the submissions received to the Maroondah Planning Scheme Amendment C148maro.

The Panel hearing was held on 27 November to Thursday 30 November 2023 and Tuesday 5 December to Wednesday 6 December 2023.

Following the Panel hearing, Council received the Panel report for Amendment C148maro.

Amendment C148maro Panel Report

The Panel was satisfied that the methodology adopted by Council and Built Heritage meets the guidance provided by Planning Practice Note 1 Applying the Heritage Overlay (PPN01).

The Panel concluded that the Amendment:

  • Is supported by, and implements, the relevant sections of the Planning Policy Framework
  • Is consistent with the relevant Ministerial Directions and Practice Notes
  • Is well founded and strategically justified.
  • Should proceed subject to addressing the more specific issues raised in submissions (as discussed in the report)

The Panel commented that the five heritage experts the Panel heard from all considered the methodology adopted for the Heritage Study Review was robust and led to a thorough piece of work. All experts agreed the post-war era was a legitimate part of the Maroondah’s growth to consider heritage controls.

Council’s consideration of submissions and Panel Process

At its meeting on 18 September 2023, Council resolved to refer all the submissions received to Maroondah Planning Scheme Amendment C148maro to an independent panel and make a recommendation to Council.  

A copy of the Minutes to the meeting is available online.

Preliminary Consultation Process

Prior to the commencement of this statutory notification/formal exhibition period, information sessions were undertaken with the owners of the identified heritage places. Pre exhibition information sessions were held during May and August 2022.

The information sessions provided the opportunity for owners to discuss issues with the Heritage consultant as well as Council Statutory Planners and Strategic Planners.

Further information

For further information on the Amendment, or if you have any queries please contact Council's Strategic Planning team on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598.