Discovering nature

Young children looking through grass with magnifying glass

Maroondah has a beautiful natural environment with a variety of local biodiversity - indigenous plants, animals and fungi - that can be found in your garden, your street, local bushland and creek reserves, or any of the over 400 parks and open spaces across Maroondah.

Our local biodiversity is a reflection of the diversity, quality and connectedness of the natural habitats found in Maroondah, so the more we can reveal and record our local biodiversity the better informed we are to protect and improve the habitats that support it.

Become a 'citizen scientist'

We are inviting everyone - from entomologists to children, nature enthusiasts to novices - to become a ‘citizen scientist’ by seeking out the biodiversity they can find in their local area and using the iNaturalist platform to record their observations.

Every observation of nature that you record within Maroondah using iNaturalist will appear in the iNaturalist project “Nature in Maroondah”.

Take a look at what observations have been made to date - you might be surprised by what has been observed in Maroondah! 

Maroondah has also participated in a number of citizen science initiatives including the City Nature Challenge and the Great Southern BioBlitz that encourage people to discover the nature near where they live and record their observations during a four day period. 

2025 City Nature Challenge

CNC logo Maroondah will be participating in the 2025 Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) later this year, and we are inviting our community to get involved.

The Great Southern Bioblitz is a global citizen science event focused on the southern hemisphere that encourages the community over the four-day challenge period, Council is encouraging the community to document observations of wild plants and animals found in local areas, such as nearby creeks, local reserves or even their backyards, using the free iNaturalist app.

Participating in the City Nature Challenge is a great way to learn more about nature in your local area while also helping make Maroondah an even better place to live - for you and other species.

Stay tuned for more information about nature discovery events happening in Maroondah as part of the challenge. 

2025 Great Southern Bioblitz

Great Southern Bioblitz written across an image of the planet earth

Maroondah will be participating in the 2025 Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) later this year, and we are inviting our community to get involved.

The Great Southern Bioblitz is a global citizen science event focused on the southern hemisphere that encourages the community to get involved in documenting wild flora and fauna to help scientists better understand and protect our environment.

Get involved in the 2025 Great Southern Bioblitz from Friday 24 October to Monday 27 October by taking photos of wild plants, animals, insects, and fungi near you.

Council plans to run a number of nature discovery activities during the four days to help you explore, discover and learn about the rich biodiversity that Maroondah is home to. More information will be available soon. Subscribe to page updates below to stay in the know.

How to record observations

Results from past challenges

Interested in hearing about future activities?

If you are interested in being informed of any similar activities being planned, sign up for our eNews. The Maroondah eNews is distributed via email on a fortnightly basis and includes what's happening in and around Maroondah.

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