Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct

CCWP artists impression
Artists impression of the new hub, incorporating the existing heritage façade.

On this page:

What is the Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct (CCWP)?

A place of connection and a beacon for wellbeing – Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct will bring together people from all walks of life who are welcomed, supported and empowered to care for the wellbeing of themselves and others.

It will include integrated indoor and outdoor spaces that provide for activation, inspiration and empowerment. It will be a village of connection, belonging, safety and learning.

The CCWP will be home to several vital Council and community services, including:

  • Aquahub
  • Maternal and Child Health Centre
  • EV’s Youth Centre
  • Your Library (Croydon)
  • Maroondah Occasional Care*
  • Maroondah Community Assist
  • U3A Croydon
  • Croydon Senior Citizens Centre
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Croydon Bowls Club
  • Croydon Central Kindergarten*
  • Council Customer Service
  • Croydon RSL
  • A range of other cultural and sporting groups

*Currently housed in Hub B. Subject to the Victorian Government Kindergarten reform

New hubs for the community

Cultural hub

The next phase of developing this vibrant precinct is the construction of two hubs for the community. A cultural hub will be built on the corner of Mt Dandenong Road and Civic Square. It will serve as a central gathering place, offering a range of services for the community including a state-of-the-art library, performance and events space, multipurpose rooms, meeting spaces, Council Service Centre, café and more.

The hub will also retain the heritage frontage of EV’s Youth Centre and ‘the Cottage’ building, paying tribute to and celebrating Croydon’s history and character while ensuring the new spaces are modern, sustainable, inclusive and fit-for-purpose.

Council has received funding from the Australian Government to help fund this project. This funding will help ensure the performance and event space will meet the needs of Maroondah's different community groups now and into the future.

Multipurpose hub

A multipurpose hub is also planned for the precinct. This hub will replace the current Keystone Hall next to the Croydon Athletics Track and will back on to new bowling greens. It will be home to Croydon Bowls Club, the Croydon RSL and current sporting groups.

Council has received funding from the Australian Government to help ensure this upgrade meets the needs of Maroondah’s local sporting and community groups.

Construction of both hubs is expected to commence in the second half of the year. More information will be provided as these projects progress.

Artists impressions

View artist’s impressions of the cultural hub:

Frequently asked questions

What is the precinct Masterplan?

The CCWP Masterplan guides the redevelopment of the precinct, with a focus on improved connectivity of key aspects of the area, including recreational hubs, retail, Croydon Town Square, services and public transport.

The Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct masterplan will ensure the precinct has a focus on being a place of belonging, enjoyment, support, safety, connection, learning and growth.

It will bring together a range of community services, programs, and activities for people of all ages, in accessible and integrated community hubs, and within a parkland setting. The Precinct also contains other community and recreational facilities such as a Library, RSL, Bowls Club, Scout Hall, Youth Centre, Senior Citizen’s Centre and early childhood services.

What has happened so far in this project?

Since the masterplan for this area was endorsed in 2018, works completed include the redevelopment of the former Croydon Council Offices into a hub for local community groups including U3A Croydon, Croydon Senior Citizens, Meals on Wheels and Occasional Child Care. Council’s Youth Services will also soon call this hub home.

This multigenerational hub provides a welcoming space for people of all ages, allowing groups to run programs and activities for the community whilst mingling and collaborating with others.

What is the shared vision for the Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct?

Consultation with the community and key stakeholders has helped to create a shared vision for the precinct:

  • The Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct reflects and facilitates the community we aspire to be, where people know and support each other, and feel a strong sense of belonging.
  • The Precinct brings together a range of community services, programs and activities for people of all ages and abilities, within a parkland setting.
  • The village feel and local character of Croydon is preserved through excellence in urban design, and with improved pedestrian connectivity with links to Croydon Main Street and Croydon rail and bus interchange.
  • The accessible and integrated community hubs create opportunities for social connection; improved health and wellbeing; and exciting opportunities to bring together new learning experiences that raise the wellbeing of our community.
  • Importantly the precinct provides links to our cultural heritage and history, while also providing flexibility to meet the current and future needs of the community.

Why did Council undertake a Masterplan for the Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct?

The current Croydon Civic precinct contains a significant number of separate community facilities that are occupied by a number of community groups and sporting clubs. These facilities have reached the end of their useful life, are no longer fit for purpose, and don’t meet the future needs of the community groups, sporting clubs, and the broader community.

Council has undertaken a masterplan for the redevelopment of the Croydon Civic precinct to facilitate the creation of a new Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct that will include elements such as, community hubs, enhanced open space, enhanced accessibility and connectivity, and potential development sites.

What is a community/cultural hub?

A community/cultural hub is a conveniently located public facility that is recognised and valued in the local community as a gathering place for people and an access point for a wide range of community activities, programs, services and events.

The hubs in the Croydon Community Wellbeing Precinct will be focused on enhanced community wellbeing for all ages and abilities.

Is the pond being retained?

The current pond at Croydon Library is in poor condition and as such, the proposal is to retain an enhanced, smaller, water body, that complements the facilities and open space areas in the precinct. This will form part of the future staging, and will include further community consultation and design.

What parking will be provided close to the hubs?

The Masterplan envisages parking within the precinct to facilitate access for all within close proximity to the buildings.

Existing council parking facilities in the precinct will also complement the development.

The hubs are within walking distance to the Croydon Station and Bus interchange with bus stops also located along Mt Dandenong Road. The newly built Devon Street multi-deck car park is also well positioned in close proximity to the precinct.

What will happen to the Heritage façade at EV’s Youth Centre?

The façade of EV’s Youth Centre, formally Croydon Hall, has local heritage significance, and is intended to be retained and incorporated into the design and construction of the new cultural hub. The artist impressions above best represent the intentions for this Heritage aspect.

What will happen to the Croydon Cottage Maternal Child Health Centre?

This Heritage Victoria listed building will be retained on-site and enhanced as part of the project. A separate Heritage Victoria Planning Process will be undertaken for this portion of the site as a further stage of the project.

Where are community groups being relocated to?

Listed community groups have already been or will be relocated within the precinct during various stages of construction. We are working closely with all groups currently operating on the site to make sure their needs are met.

What vegetation/tree removal will take place?

Information will be available during the Planning Process.

How will this Precinct connect with other areas of Croydon like Tarralla Creek and Swinburne?

The Masterplan sets out an objective to connect a pedestrian spine through the precinct. This is still the case and will continue to develop through further project stages.

How sustainable will the new Hub be?

The cultural hub will be a 5 Star Greenstar accredited and certified building and will include measures such as Solar Power, Rainwater Harvesting and Low-carbon Materials.

What will the outdoor areas in the precinct look like?

The Masterplan sets out the expectation for enhanced open space throughout the precinct. This is still the objective. The development of the cultural hub sees the start of that objective being realised. Over future stages of the project further open space planning and design will occur and the community will be involved in this development.

Why is a new performance space needed?

Council has received funding from the Australian Government to provide a community performance and events space for local creatives.

This space will service the missing link in smaller scale performance and presentation spaces in Maroondah.

Features include:

  • Small to medium scale theatre space to seat approximately 160 patrons.
  • Versatile space with retractable seating based on a black box model
  • Accessible and inclusive space design to meet the needs of our diverse community
  • Mixed use space to meet the needs of smaller scale productions and user groups
  • Regular and casual hire groups

The plans for the area look different to what was prepared in 2018, why is this?

The Masterplan informed the land usage around the precinct. Since that time, further detailed work has informed the design to date.

Where can I see detailed plans for the area?

An updated Masterplan for the area is currently being prepared to provide a detailed overview of the precinct and its future works.

When will the planning permit for the new Hub be approved?

This is expected to be approved in the next few weeks.

Who will be based in the cultural hub?

Along with being home to the new Croydon Library, and a Council’s customer service centre, a wide range of community organisations and groups will utilise the many facilities available in the hub. On the top floor, we are working with key community partners to attract services to the hub that will add value to the community and support them with their wellbeing.

Croydon Main Street Enhancement Plan

Council was recently successful in a grant application for funding from the Australian Government’s Thriving Suburbs Program, for the $15 million Croydon Main Street Revitalisation project. The Australian Government will fund $7.5 million alongside Council’s own funding commitment of $7.5 million.

The Thriving Suburbs Program aims to build better cities and more liveable suburbs. The Croydon Main Street Revitalisation project will support Council’s long-term vision and planning for Maroondah, to ensure our infrastructure and facilities continue to meet the needs of our community. With funding now secured, Council will further develop the project, which will include undertaking trader and community consultation in 2025.

Find out more about the Croydon Main Street Enhancement Plan.