Laura Court Reserve Playspace Renewal The playground at Laura Court in Bayswater North was renewed in August 2023.
Croydon Memorial Pool filtration and renewal works Council is upgrading the pool filtration system at Croydon Memorial Pool with works due for completion in November 2024.
Patterdale Court, Croydon Hills - Footpath Construction Council will be constructing a footpath connection between the existing footpath at Patterdale Court to the end of the court bowl.
Oban Road, Ringwood North road rehabilitation Council will be completing infrastructure improvement works along Oban Road between Terrigal Close and Athelstane Drive to address reoccurring road pavement failure.
Norwood Reserve enhancement plan The draft enhancement plans for Norwood Reserve were endorsed by Council in March 2023, with staged works and improvements currently underway.
Tarralla Kinder and Maternal Child Health Centre redevelopment Council will be undertaking landscape improvement works at Tarralla Kinder and Maternal Child Health Centre which incorporate the demolition of the existing Material Child Health building, with the reconstruction of a modern Material Child Health centre with 3 consulting rooms, play group room and parent education room.
Re-imagining Tarralla Creek Council has worked with the community and project partners to transform a 500 metre section of Tarralla Creek and the Croydon Wetlands into a fun and friendly open space and waterway.
Cantala Reserve - Playspace Renewal Project Council is proposing to undertake the renewal of the playspace in Cantala Reserve, Ringwood North.
Wyreena outdoor furniture replacement All outdoor furniture at Wyreena will be replaced between June and September 2023 as the existing outdoor furniture is damaged and no longer fit for purpose.
Highton Street, Ringwood East, footpath construction As part of Council’s commitment to the construction of footpaths in Maroondah to improve pedestrian access and safety, Council has constructed a new footpath on the western side of Highton Street, Ringwood East.
Bungalook Reserve playspace renewal The playground at Bungalook Reserve in Bayswater North has been renewed.