Karralyka foyer extension works

  • Project categoryAssets and facilities
  • StatusPlanned
  • Approx. start dateSeptember 2024
  • Approx. end date27 June 2025

Council is undertaking improvements to the foyer at Karralyka Centre in Ringwood East. These works form part of the broader $10m redevelopment project at Karralyka.

These works will include:

  • New food and beverage area
  • New multipurpose space
  • Extended theatre foyer
  • Enhanced western entry
  • Renewal of the Cassini Artwork
  • Renewal of adjacent landscaping & balustrade

Artist impressions

Artist impression of Karralyka foyer redevelopment from outside facing east

Artist impression of the Karralyka foyer redevelopment

Further information

For further information on the proposed playground renewal works, contact Council’s Assets team on 9298 4276 or email maroondah@maroondah.vic.gov.au

Contact details


22A Mines Road, Ringwood East 3135  View map

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