JW Manson Pavilion redevelopment

  • Project categoryBuildings, Sportsfields
  • StatusComplete
  • Approx. start date01 October 2022
  • Approx. end date01 May 2023

The redevelopment of JW Manson sporting pavilion is now complete.

The new pavilion includes:

  • female friendly player and umpire change rooms
  • a first-aid room
  • accessible shower and toilet amenities
  • match day public toilets
  • a 200sqm multipurpose room
  • kitchen, bar and kiosk
  • office space and storage rooms
  • accessible entry ramp from carpark
  • balcony
  • lift
  • covered verandah

The sportsfield was also upgraded as part of this redevelopment.

The $4.5 million redevelopment is funded with $2 million from Council and $2.5 million from the Victorian Government.

Further information

For further information on the works contact Council on 1300 88 22 33. 

Maroondah City Council acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government. 

  Blue Victorian Government logo

Contact details


Selkirk Avenue, Wantirna 3152  View map

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