The skate precinct at Grayswood Reserve in Kilsyth South is being renewed.
Following community consultation in June 2024, construction is underway to build a new skate facility at Grayswood Reserve in Kilsyth South. Find out more about the community consultation on Council's YourSay website.
The purpose-built facility is designed to meet the needs and skill levels of local users. Skaters, bike riders, scooter riders, roller bladers, roller skaters and other wheel users will be able to enjoy the facilities.
The project is due for completion by the end of March 2025.
Grayswood-Reserve-skate-precinct-concept-plans.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
For further information on the proposed playground renewal works, contact Council’s Assets team on 9298 4276 or email
23 Watermoor Avenue, Kilsyth South 3137 View map
23 Watermoor Avenue , Kilsyth South 3137