From weedy bog to thriving frog habitat

We’re excited to share some before and after photos of the transformation that has taken place in the northern section of H.E. Parker Reserve in Heathmont, affectionately known as 'H.E. Bog'.

Thanks to the hard work of the Bushland Management team during the 2022 planting season, this ephemeral pond area has undergone a remarkable change. Previously, it was severely degraded and overrun with invasive weed species, requiring constant maintenance.

With little to no natural regeneration, the team prepared the site for revegetation, laying down jute mat to prevent excessive weed germination and give plantings a better chance to grow and establish.

Indigenous species, including Alisma plantago-aquatica, Carex gaudichaudiana, Gynatrix pulchella, and Poa ensiformis, were planted, resulting in a biodiverse and nearly weed-free section of the reserve. As a result of this transformation, the area has become a flourishing habitat for various frog and bird species.


HE Parker before

HE Parker before


HE Parker after

HE Parker after

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152 Heathmont Road, Heathmont 3135  View map

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