Croydon Golf Links Estate Street Lighting

  • Project categoryRoads and carparks, Traffic
  • StatusIn progress
  • Approx. start date01 July 2022
  • Approx. end date30 June 2026

Council is proposing to install ten additional street lights in the Croydon Golf Links Estate to improve street lighting levels.

In response to requests by the Croydon Golf Links Estate Residents’ Association for additional street lighting, Council Engineers have reviewed street lighting in the Estate and found that light levels could be improved in accordance with the Maroondah Public Lighting Policy and the relevant Australian Standard (AS/NZS 1158.3.1:2020). Council’s Policy aims to balance the provision of public lighting to a minimum standard with the principle to avoid over-lighting.

In undertaking the review, consideration was given to the unique character of the Estate in the context of the area’s amenity and the potential impact of public lighting. 

Under Council’s Maroondah Public Lighting Policy, Council has a duty of care to light the precinct to at least a reasonable standard. 

Accordingly, Council proposes to install ten (10) additional lights throughout the Croydon Golf Links Estate in a staged approach across the 2022/23 to 2025/26 financial years, as identified in the below schedule. The ten locations have been selected to provide a reasonable level of lighting for the Estate based on the following principles:

  1. Improve safety and access at night for all road users
  2. All mid-block sections achieve the minimum lighting standard or approach this standard
  3. Lighting levels accord with the Council Policy principle to avoid over-lighting
  4. With sensitivity to the history and character of the Estate, the lighting levels aim to maintain the semi-rural amenity of the Estate.

As part of the installation process, pre-installation light spill assessments will be commissioned to ensure that the illuminance from each proposed street light is concentrated on the road, and that light spill onto adjacent properties is limited and acceptable in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard (AS/NZS 4282:2019).

Croydon Golf Links Estate - Lighting installation aerial

Financial year      Location Status
  • 34-36 Cass Avenue (street end)
  • Parsons Avenue, adjacent 43 Morgan Avenue (bend near intersection)
  • 1A Parsons Avenue (mid-block)
  • 24 Smith Avenue (bend)
  • Opposite 33 Smith Avenue (mid-block)
  • Opposite 51 Smith Avenue (railway crossing)
  • 6-8 Northcott Avenue (bend near intersection)
  • 7 Cass Avenue (mid-block)
  • 9 Carroll Avenue (mid-block)
In progress
  • 17 Carroll Avenue (mid-block)

November 2024 update

The first set of three (3) lights have now been installed.

A pre-installation assessment has now been undertaken by an independent consultant for the final four (4) installation sites which demonstrated that the illuminance from each proposed street light will be concentrated on the road, and that light spill onto adjacent properties will be limited and acceptable in accordance with the Australian Standards without the need for any special treatment.

Council Engineers are now arranging for the installation of the third set of three (3) lights. It is now expected that these light installations will occur in 2024/25 financial year, subject to AusNet timeframes.

Further information

For further information on the proposal, please contact Council’s Traffic and Transportation Engineer Samuel Wearne on 9298 4292 or email

For further information on public lighting in Maroondah, please see the Maroondah Public Lighting Policy.

Contact details


16 Northcott Avenue, Croydon 3136  View map

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