Comprehensive community engagement was undertaken in 2022 spanning a wide variety of communication channels, including:
- emailing subscribers of our Your Say online engagement portal
- in-person community consultation sessions on-site
- social media posts
- articles in Maroondah eNews
- internal employee communications
- mailout to local residents and businesses
There was clear majority support for the proposal and a wide range of useful feedback was received.
Residents told us that the improvements:
- are important and needed for people with disabilities
- are great for local businesses and shops
- will allow more efficient and safer traffic flow in and out of the shopping areas
- that raised pedestrian crossings and bus stop improvements are much needed
- and that signals are needed as it is dangerous turning right onto Bayswater Road.
For more information regarding the engagement and responses to some of the more common feedback received, please visit our Your Say page.
The project adopts the vast majority outcomes from the Croydon South 20-minute Neighbourhood pilot led by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. The Department of Transport has also provided in-principle support as the coordinating road authority for Bayswater Road.