Laura Court Reserve Playspace Renewal The playground at Laura Court in Bayswater North was renewed in August 2023.
Dandenong Creek footbridge closure The Dandenong Creek footbridge in Heathmont now open following essential maintenance works.
North Ringwood Reserve oval lighting upgrades Lighting upgrades at the North Ringwood Reserve oval are underway.
Heathmont Sporting Pavilion redevelopment The new double-storey facility houses 4 female friendly change rooms, a large multi-purpose room and amenities.
Cantala Reserve - Playspace Renewal Project Council is proposing to undertake the renewal of the playspace in Cantala Reserve, Ringwood North.
HE Parker Reserve - Infrastructure Improvement Works Council has completed carpark and pedestrian accessibility improvement works in HE Parker Reserve.
Norwood Reserve enhancement plan The draft enhancement plans for Norwood Reserve were endorsed by Council in March 2023, with staged works and improvements currently underway.
Bungalook Reserve playspace renewal The playground at Bungalook Reserve in Bayswater North has been renewed.
Reimagining Tarralla Creek Council has worked with the community and project partners to transform a 500 metre section of Tarralla Creek and the Croydon Wetlands into a fun and friendly open space and waterway.
Tarralla Kinder and Maternal Child Health Centre redevelopment Council will be undertaking landscape improvement works at Tarralla Kinder and Maternal Child Health Centre which incorporate the demolition of the existing Material Child Health building, with the reconstruction of a modern Material Child Health centre with 3 consulting rooms, play group room and parent education room.