Construction Zone Permits
Major constructions or other works sometimes require the semi-permanent occupation of the road reserve to facilitate the completion of works in a timely manner. When this is required builders and contractors can obtain a Construction Zone Permit to occupy part of the road reservation.
An occupation may be required due to:
- activity associated with a large scale development (e.g. multi-storey building where site amenities are temporarily stored within the road reserve),
- crane delivery / setup,
- a mass concrete pour,
- a large number of coordinated deliveries,
- construction parking, and
- stockpiling materials.
Under the provisions of the Road Management Act, builders/contractors will be responsible for the safety of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians during the works as well as any reinstatement works.
How to apply for a permit
You will need:
- An existing conditions plans showing all existing conditions at the site and elements within the road reserve.
- A works program with start / end dates and key milestones relevant to the construction zone.
- A construction zone plan showing the construction zone area and any safety measures required.
- Current Public Liability Insurance – Certificate of Cover.
Applications forms are available from Council’s Service Centres, or download the form.
See construction zone permit application form
You can also call 1300 88 22 33 to have an application form mailed to you.
Application assessment
Based on the current high number of enquiries received by the Traffic Engineering Team, including large quantities of Road Works related plan assessments for State Government major projects that are currently underway in Maroondah, the timeframes for assessing Construction Zone Permit applications has increased. We will endeavour to undertake the assessment of a Construction Zone Permit application within 15 business days.
Should additional information be required, further time may be added to the assessment timeframe.
Please note:
- Council's Engineers generally do not fast-track assessments. However, if an applicant allows the 15 business day assessment time, Council's Engineers will prioritise assessments based on the proposed work dates. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide appropriate lead-time for the assessment of their application and to schedule works dates with due consideration of the application process and expected timeframes. If you have not received a response to your application following 15 business days, please contact us to request a status update.
- If an applicant elects for Council to install any Construction Zone related signage, the timeframe for this process is 4 to 6 weeks.
Extension of time
See construction zone permit extension of time application form
Fees and payment
All fees associated with a Construction Zone Permit are listed on the application forms and consist of:
- an application fee,
- a permit administration fee
- a Construction Zone rental fee.
Council Engineers reserve the right to review the Construction Zone rental fee, including to waive or otherwise amend this fee for works associated with public safety or an emergency order.
Payment of the application fee is required at submission of the application. Successful applications will then be issued with a separate invoice for the Construction Zone Permit administration and rental fees.