Payments online
We are currently having issues with our payment portal, which may affect making payments to council. We apologise for any inconvenience.
A range of council services, infringements and fees can be paid online. American Express and Diners Club cards are not accepted.
See how to make a payment
We are currently having issues with our payment portal, which may affect making payments to council. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Pay online
(Visa or Mastercard)
You will need your assessment number which can be found on your rates notice.
See how to pay by direct debit or by instalment.
See more about paying my rates.
Local Laws permits
Permits include:
Pay online using the payment reference number at the bottom of your invoice.
Pay permit fee online
Local Laws permit renewals
Pay the following Local Laws renewal fees online using the payment reference number at the bottom of your renewal.
Please review the details on your renewal, making sure all details are correct. If you have made any changes to your business operations or contact details, please email and attach a copy of the amended renewal form.
Registration renewals
The following registration renewals require you to agree to a declaration. You will then be forwarded to the payments area.
Food, Health and Wastewater fees
Pay these Community Health fees online using the payment reference number on your renewal form.
Food, health or wastewater fee (non-renewal)
Pay pre-application, registration, requested inspections, transfer, additional inspections, plans assessment and wastewater fees.
Pay food or health fee
Registration renewals
Review the proprietor/business details on your Application for Renewal of Registration, making sure all details are correct. If you have made any changes to your business operations or contact details, please email and attach a copy of the amended registration renewal form.
Food registration renewals
All Food Premises renewing for next year must read and agree to a renewal declaration, You will then be forwarded to the payments area.
Agree to declaration
Beauty, skin penetration, accommodation and aquatic premises registration renewals
All beauty salons, tattooists, skin penetration premises, accommodation and aquatic premises renewing for next year must agree to a renewal declaration, You will then be forwarded to the payments area.
Agree to declaration
Road and traffic permits
Permits include:
Please use the reference number in the top right corner of your invoice.
Pay your permit fee
Other accounts (Meals on wheels, Family Day Care, & other charges)
Pay these accounts using the reference number on your statement.
- special rates and charges
- accounts receivable
- Family Day Care
- Meals on wheels.
Pay accounts receivable
Need help?
- Chat to us: 8.30am to 5pm weekdays and 9.30am to 5pm weekends
Chat to us
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