Planning fees and charges

Statutory Planning fees and charges and the descriptions below relate to the reasons that a Planning permit is required (often also called Planning permit triggers) under the Maroondah Planning Scheme.

Please note:

  • The statutory fee information provided is a summary of fees set within the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016 and Subdivision (Fees) Regulations 2016. Should any discrepancy exist, fees set within the relevant regulations apply.
  • Amendment fees* are based upon the additional estimated cost of development for the amendment.
  • Fees are non-refundable.

Please contact Statutory Planning on 1300 88 22 33 or 03 9298 4598 for assistance with calculating planning application fees.

Planning fees and charges:

Fee (non-refundable) Section 72 amendment fee*

Use of land

Class 1
Use of land (includes car parking and liquor licence applications)
$1,453.40 $1,453.40
Class 1
Amendment to a permit to change the use allowed by the permit or allow a new use of land
- $1,453.40

Single dwelling

Development or use & development for a single dwelling on a lot including additions/alterations or ancillary development (shed, carport, deck etc.)

Class 2
Estimated cost of development is up to $10,000
$220.50 $220.50
Class 3
Estimated cost of development is between $10,000 to $100,000
$694 $694
Class 4
Estimated cost of development is between $100,000 to $500,000
$1,420.70 $1,420.70
Class 5
Estimated cost of development is between $500,000 to $1M
$1,535 $1,535
Class 6
Estimated cost of development is between $1M to $2M
$1,649.30 $1,649.30


Class 7
Estimated cost of development is up to $10,000
$220.50 $220.50
Class 8
Estimated cost of development is more than $10,000
$473.60 $473.60
Class 9
VicSmart application to subdivide or consolidate land
$220.50 $220.50
Class 10
All other VicSmart applications
$220.50 $220.50

All other development

Development (other than single dwelling on a lot with an estimated cost of development of less than $2M), includes: multi dwellings, signage, factory, warehouse, apartment building etc.

Class 11
Estimated cost of development is up to $100,000
$1,265.60 $1,265.60
Class 12
Estimated cost of development is between $100,000 to $1M
$1,706.50 $1,706.50
Class 13
Estimated cost of development is between $1M to $5M
$3,764.10 $3,764.10
Class 14
Estimated cost of development is between $5M to $15M
$9,593.90 $3,764.10
Class 15
Estimated cost of development is between $15M to $50M
$28,291.70 $3,764.10
Class 16
Estimated cost of development is more than $50M
$63,589 $3,764.10


Excludes VicSmart applications.

Class 17
Subdivide an existing building
$1,453.40 $1,453.10
Class 18
Subdivide land into two lots
$1,453.40 $1,453.40
Class 19
Realignment of common boundary between lots or consolidate two or more lots
$1,453.40 $1,453.40
Class 20
Subdivide land
$1453.40 per 100 lots $1453.40 per 100 lots
Class 21 (a)
Create, vary or remove a restriction
$1,453.40 $1,453.40
Class 21 (b)
Create or remove a right of way
$1,453.40 $1,453.40
Class 21 (c)
Create, vary or remove an easement (other than right of way)
$1,453.40 $1,453.40
Class 21 (d)
Vary or remove a condition in the nature of an easement (other than right of way) in a crown grants
$1,453.40 $1,453.40
Certification of a plan of subdivision and for a statement of compliance $192.70 -
Alteration to plan $122.50 -
Amend a certified plan $155.10 -

Combined planning permit applications

Fee will be calculated off the highest of the applicable fees plus 50% of each of any other applicable statutory planning fees.

Tree and native vegetation removal

One tree $153 (includes GST)
Two trees $185 (includes GST)
Three trees $218 (includes GST)
Four trees $250.50 (includes GST)
Five trees $284 (includes GST)
Six or more trees $317 (includes GST)

Vegetation protection (VPO), Heritage (HO) and Neighbourhood Character (NCO) overlays

Remove, destroy or lop one or more trees or area of vegetation $317 (includes GST)


Amendment fees are based upon the additional estimated cost of development for the amendment.

Amend or end a section 173 agreement $726.70 -

Amendment to a permit

An application to amend a permit (other than a permit to develop land for single dwelling on a lot with an original estimated cost of development of less than $2M)

Class 2 (a)
To change the statement of what the permit allows
- $1,453.40
Class 2 (b)
To change any or all of the conditions which apply to the permit
- $1,453.40

Amendment to a plan

Amended plans (secondary consent) $359.30 -

Section 57A - Amendment to an existing application after advertising

Fee will be calculated from 40% of the application fee for the applicable class of permit + where an increase to the estimated cost of the development results in a change to the application class, the balance of the application fee resulting from the change.


Extensions of time to a permit $368 (includes GST)

Building regulation - report and consent (building dispensation)

Siting (regulations 73, 74, 74a and 79) front, side and rear setback $320.25 -
Front fence (regulations 89 and 92) $205 -

Application fee (where building permit has been issued or work has been commenced)

First regulation $529 -
Each subsequent regulation $335 -

Extension of time to report and consent (building dispensation)

Extension of time - siting $160.10 -
Extension of time - front fence $102.50 -

Planning information request (PIR)

General $219.50 (includes GST)
Discounted fee for single dwelling in a residential zone $135.20 (includes GST)

Permit history request (PHR)

First two permits $407.40 (includes GST)
Each subsequent permit $106 (includes GST)

Discounted fee for single dwelling in a residential zone

First two permits $151.30 (includes GST)
Each subsequent permit $41 (includes GST)

Other fees

Determination to the satisfaction of Council $359.30
Written consent, including consent under a S173 agreement $359.30 -
Certificate of compliance $359.30
Class 22
A permit not otherwise provided for in the regulation
$1,453.40 $1453.40
Public notification (advertising)

$243* base fee plus $11.30 per property



A4 - black and white $2.20 per page (includes GST)
A4 - colour $3.20 per page (includes GST)
A3 - black and white $3.20 per page (includes GST)
A3 - colour $5.40 per page (includes GST)
A1 - black and white $29.10 per page (includes GST)
A1 - colour $64.50 per page (includes GST)