
Infrastructure and Construction Permits

Vehicle Crossing Consent Fee
Vehicle Crossing reconstruction in same location $75 
Vehicle Crossing relocation $150 
Additional Vehicle Crossing $150 
Vehicle Crossing widening $150 
Infrastructure and Construction Permits Fee
Vehicle Crossing Permit


Retrospective permit fee is $447

Temporary Vehicle Crossing Permit


Retrospective permit fee is $447

Drainage Connection Permit


Retrospective permit fee is $447

Service Connection Permit


Retrospective permit fee is $447

Construction Zone Permits

Construction Zone Permits Fee

Builders and contractors can obtain a Construction Zone Permit to occupy part of the road reservation to facilitate the completion of construction works.

Construction zone permit application fee $126
Construction zone permit administration fee $693
Construction Zone Occupation $1.46 / sqm / day
Construction Zone Permit - extension of time Fee
Construction zone permit - extension of time application fee $126
Construction zone permit - extension of time administration fee $140
Construction Zone Occupation $1.46 / sqm / day

Temporary Traffic Management Permits

Temporary Traffic Management Permit - Application Fee

Builders and contractors planning to undertake works on Council-owned roads, footpaths or naturestrips are required to have a Temporary Traffic Management Permit before works commence.

1-3 days of implemented traffic management for works $270
4-10 days of implemented traffic management for works $540
11-20 days of implemented traffic management for works $810
21-30 days of implemented traffic management for works $1,080
31 or more days of implemented traffic management for works (12-month maximum permit duration) $1,350
Temporary Traffic Management Permit - Amendment Fee

Applicable to amend an existing Temporary Traffic Management Permit, including 1) adding or modifying a Traffic Management Plan / Traffic Guidance Scheme, 2) adding traffic management implementation days, 3) extending the expiry date of permit, or 4) other administrative amendments.

Base Amendment Fee (applicable to any Temporary Traffic Management Permit amendment) $160
Additional Amendment Fee (applicable per “step” of extra traffic management implementation days) $270
For example, to amend a Temporary Traffic Management Permit from '1-3 implementations' by 2 “steps” to '11-20 implementations' you will be charged Base Amendment Fee ($160) + Additional Amendment Fee ($270) x 2 = $700

Temporary Storage Container Permits

Temporary Storage Container Permit


Temporary Storage Container Permit - Application fee


Temporary Storage Container Permit

Bond $2,000

Building Regulation fees

Building Regulations


Building in areas liable to flooding - Application Fee

(Regulation 153)


Construction on designated land or designated works - Application Fee

(Regulation 154)


Build over easement - Application fee

(Regulation 130)


Build over easement - Retrospective fee


Engineering subdivision fees 

For land subdivisions where certain works become the responsibility of Council (such as roads, drainage, footpath or water sensitive urban design elements) the developer must submit a cost estimate of the works to Council.

In accordance with the Subdivision Act  the fees for checking the engineering plans shall be 0.75% of the estimated cost of construction, and will generally be reflected on the planning permit.

Under the same Act, fees for supervising the works shall be 2.5% of the estimated cost of construction, and will generally be reflected on the planning permit.

Engineering plan checking fee

The fee for checking engineering plans for all other developments will be based upon the size of the development.

Residential development plan Fee

2-4 Lot development


5-9 Lot development


10+ Lot development


Unit apartment development plans Fee

Up to 10 unit apartment building


11-40 unit apartment building


41+ unit apartment building


Commercial development plans (based on floor area of development) Fee

Small commercial development (<500m2)


Medium commercial development (500-2000m2)


Large commercial development (2000m2+)


Industrial, factory, warehouse developments Fee

Single industrial, factory, warehouse development


2-5 industrial / factory / warehouse developments


6+ industrial, factory, warehouse developments


Construction management plan Fee
Residential Development $393
Multi story complex / commercial / industrial $938

Amendments to Endorsed Plans

When an applicant/consultant/contractor requires minor amendments to a previously Endorsed Engineering Plan or Endorsed Construction Management Plan, Council will charge an amendment fee of $359.30 (the statutory fee for secondary consents).

Please note these fees are subject to change depending on the nature of the development.