EV’s Youth Centre is Council's multi-purpose venue where we run most of our programs and our all ages music events for young people.
Our team is passionate about supporting local young performers. If you are a performer aged 10 to 25 and want an opportunity to perform at an event, please complete the expression of interest form below.
Performer expression of interest
EV's is wheelchair accessible. If accessing our centre is difficult for you, please connect with our team to talk about how we can support you.
Contact us during business hours Monday to Friday on 9294 5704 or email us on youth@maroondah.vic.gov.au.
212 Mt Dandenong Rd, Croydon 3136 View map
212 Mt Dandenong Rd , Croydon 3136
Please note that this venue is not open to the general public.
EV's is open to all young people age 12 to 25 every Thursday from 3pm to 6pm. For more information see EV's Hangout.
9294 5704 (Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5pm) .
youth@maroondah.vic.gov.au .
See all contact information
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