Hoarding and clutter support

Hoarding is a complex mental health issue and it can often be hard for individuals affected or their families to find the help they need.

The perception from others can often be that hoarded items lack value, however, to the person collecting these objects or animals, they are of immense value and cannot be thrown away.

When ‘collecting’ begins to impact a person’s daily life, such as causing risks to personal safety, health and wellbeing or choosing possessions over relationships, then guidance and support should be offered.

Extreme collecting and squalid living not only affects the person demonstrating these behaviours, but can also affect family members, neighbours and animals.

Maroondah Hoarding Network

If you are concerned about your own behaviour, or about someone else, the Maroondah Hoarding Network's website can offer guidelines and resources.

The website is a practical resource for community and service providers that gives valuable information on hoarding and squalor risks and where you can find help.

'Making Space' support group

This informal group meets monthly and is open to community members living in the Maroondah local government area experiencing excess clutter and its associated challenges.

The group meets monthly at Glen Park Community Centre, 30-48 Glen Park Road, Bayswater North on the first Tuesday of every month from 1pm to 2.30pm.

To enquire or make a booking, please call Paula on 03 9294 5729 or email: ot@maroondah.vic.gov.au.

Further information 


"The facilitators were lovely and very helpful and kind, gave everyone a forum to express their ideas and contribute, and kept sessions moving along very nicely.”

“Excellent work I am extremely grateful of their support…”

“The facilitators are wonderful, especially listening. They didn’t criticise when you said how you were feeling…”

“The facilitators were excellent, they were supportive in every way. Couldn’t ask for anything more and they did more than would have been expected of them.”

Reflections from participants

"I am most proud that I can now walk in and out of the shops without buying anything – I never thought I could do this.”

“Accepting that I have a problem. I understand myself a bit better now.”

“I can now walk into the lounge room without having to weave around boxes and can sit at the dining table.”

“Taking the first step in addressing the clutter issue, looking at it with outside eye and making a start.”

“I find that I can now throw things out, before I could not consider that.”

Feedback about the Making Space Support Group

“It was important to meet others dealing with similar issues and to discuss ideas and solutions.”

"Great to get ideas and support from like-minded people. It’s wonderful to know you’re not alone in your struggles.”

“Encouragement to look in to the problem and to go on working within the situation.”

“Has definitely helped  a great deal.” 

“There are a lot more people experiencing this issue than I realised.”



If you have any questions about Commonwealth Home Support Program, My Aged Care or Maroondah Council’s services and how to access them, call our Aged and Disability Services team on 9294 5729 or email maroondah@maroondah.vic.gov.au.

Language help


To communicate with us in a language other than English, call our interpreter service on 131 450.

National Relay Service

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service and give the Maroondah City Council number you want to call.