
From our Elders video installation by Daen Sansbury-Smith in ArtSpace at Realm with display by Chris Hume (Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place). Pictured L to R: Aunty Irene Norman, Daen Sansbury-Smith, Uncle Kutcha Edwards, Uncle David Farrell, Aunty Daphne Milward.
Koorie education
The term Koorie is used inclusively and refers to all First Peoples living in Victoria.
The Koorie Education Unit supports schools in providing quality and meaningful education to Koorie students.
For more information on Koorie Education please see the Department of Education website.
Marrung: Aboriginal Education Plan 2016 to 2026
The Marrung strategy ensures that all Koorie Victorians achieve their learning aspirations.
Marrung has been developed by:
- Department of Education
- Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI)
- Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA)
- Victorian Community Controlled Health Organisation (VCCHO).
Strong partnerships with these organisations and with the Koorie community will be the foundation for the implementation and governance of Marrung.
Some of the Marrung initiatives include:
- literacy support for primary school aged Koorie students
- targeted research to achieve higher NAPLAN and ATAR scores
- Individual Education Plans for Koorie students and their families
- as well as Scholarships for High Achieving Koorie Students in years 11 and 12.
You can view the Marrung: Aboriginal Education Plan 2016 to 2026 on the Department of Education website.
See First Peoples educational events
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