Support services for seniors

Whether you're looking for services to socialise or you or a loved one need extra help, here are some support services available to Maroondah seniors.
Maroondah City Council offers a range of services to our senior residents who require support to live at home and access the community safely and independently. Many services are part of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) which offers help for:
- adults who are 65 years of age and over (or 50 years and over for people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity)
- adults who are 50 years of age and over (or 45 years and over for people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity) and on a low income, homeless or at risk of homelessness.
All services are provided based on client needs, goals and capabilities and depend upon eligibility, available resources and priority of access.
Services may be occasional, short term intensive, or longer term support, subject to regular review and change.
Services offered by Maroondah City Council
Meals on Wheels

Our food services helps you, or the person you care for maintain a healthy diet. food services is needed, we can help if you’re eligible.
Meals are home delivered for people who may be nutritionally at risk, have difficulty preparing meals or are socially isolated.
Find out more about Meals on Wheels
Hoarding and clutter support
There are several ways to begin the process of rehabilitation of hoarding behaviours. Support groups and programs can assist with the management of excessive collecting or difficulty discarding items and its impact on quality of life by providing tips and practical strategies to help people manage clutter.
Find hoarding and clutter support
Occupational therapy
In-home safety assessments, recommending equipment and strategies to use in your home and methods to complete daily tasks independently, plus access nutrition education.
Find out more about Occupational Therapy
Social Inclusion and Wellbeing program
Our Social Inclusion and Wellbeing program ensures residents that are frail/aged, have a disability, or are socially isolated receive support to remain independent and continue to participate in their community.
Find out more about Social Inclusion and Wellbeing Program
Seniors events
Our range of seniors outings and events offer a variety activities to suit different interests and abilities. Educational and social events for senior Maroondah residents mean you can experience new places and activities and make new friends
Find out more about Seniors events
Maroondah Seniors Register
The Register is a free program to help seniors feel safe and connected to their community. Members of the register receive fortnightly or monthly calls from volunteers, who provide a 'safe and well' check and social connection.
Find out more about Maroondah Seniors Register
Disability Services
Council offers support to Maroondah residents through a dedicated Council funded NDIS Coordinator.
The NDIS Coordinator provides help with general and individualised information and support for understanding and navigating the NDIS.
Advocacy support is also available.
Council's NDIS Coordinator can be contacted via phone on 9298 4625 or email
Accessing CHSP
How to access CHSP services provided by Council or other organisation
To access CHSP services provided by Council or other organisation you can:
- Visit the My Aged Care website
- Call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422
- Visit any Services Australia service centre
- Call 1800 227 475 to book an in person appointment with an Aged Care Specialist Officer for further information on how to access services.
You will need an assessment and referral through My Aged Care to access any CHSP service.
My Aged Care will require your direct consent to accept information from your representative.
Fees are set by the service provider and are based on:
- The service type and amount you require.
- Your income.
- Your capacity to pay (services will still be offered even if you are assessed as financially disadvantaged and having no capacity to pay).
Next steps
- My Aged Care determine if you are eligible for an assessment and arrange for a referral for assessment to either Council’s Regional Assessment Service, or an Aged Care Assessment Service. You and your assessor will agree on which services you will be referred to.
- After the referral is received by any CHSP service provider through My Aged Care, you will be contacted by that provider who may also arrange a visit at home to talk about your needs and goals and set up your service agreement, which will include discussion about fees and details of the service/s to be provided.
Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) services available from other organisations
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) offers a range of other services to support people to remain living independently in their own home and community. Other services which may be provided by other organisations across the City of Maroondah include:
Domestic assistance
Help for people to complete essential household activities such as basic cleaning, shopping (from a list) or basic meal preparation.
Personal care
Provides help with a range of basic self-care tasks, such as showering, dressing and grooming.
Social support (individuals)
Accompanied activities, such as helping people with their essential shopping or attending appointments.
Respite care
Supporting both client and carers by enabling carers to have a break from their caring role, while clients can be supported to engage in activities they enjoy.
Individual, door to door car transport to and from appointments
Short term or episodic nursing treatment and monitoring of medically diagnosed clinical conditions to support people to remain living safely at home.
Allied health and therapy services
Other allied health services such as podiatry, physiotherapy groups, speech pathology, psychology, social work, exercise physiology,
Assistance with care and housing
For people who are at risk of homelessness,
Property maintenance
Assistance with minor basic home maintenance tasks such as:
- changing tap washers
- window and gutter cleaning
- changing smoke alarm batteries
- changing light bulbs
- home modifications.
The program provides minor modifications to your home that do not require a qualified tradesman, such as installing banisters and rails, so that you can continue to live and move safely about the house. Note: Home Modifications service may first require referral to an Occupational Therapist.
Visit the My Aged Care website for further information and how to apply for these services.
Further information
If you have any questions about Commonwealth Home Support Program, My Aged Care or Maroondah Council’s services and how to access them, call our Aged and Disability Services team on 9294 5729 or email
Language help

To communicate with us in a language other than English, call our interpreter service on 131 450.
National Relay Service

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service and give the Maroondah City Council number you want to call.