Liberty swing
The Liberty Swing offers people in wheelchairs the opportunity to enjoy the fun and recreation of swinging.
The swing is located at Ringwood Lake Park, Corner Maroondah Highway and Mt Dandenong Road, Ringwood.

Access to the Liberty Swing
You need a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK) for the swing. It is available:
- during office hours from our Croydon and City Service Centres
- or from Realm Service Centre at 179 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood. Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm and Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 10am to 5pm
The key is provided free of charge, and gives access to all Liberty Swings throughout Australia.
Features of the Liberty Swing
The swing is enclosed and enables a wheelchair to swing from its frame. It is also fitted with a ‘pop up’ chair to cater for those with limited mobility.
To ensure a safe, fun and enjoyable experience the Liberty Swing includes:
- ramp access
- wheel locking mechanism
- safety harness
- pop up seat
- clear instructions on how to use the chair
- easy to use key providing access to the swing.
Accessible parking
A special long parking bay is available on Maroondah Highway and general parking is available via the entrance to the park on Mount Dandenong Road.
For more information contact Council on 1300 88 22 33 or by email.
About the Liberty Swing
See more about the swing, including the program and technical details, from the Liberty swing website.