About volunteering in Maroondah

To apply see Careers@Maroondah to register your interest. Volunteer positions are regularly advertised when there are new opportunities or projects available. You can also call our supervisors directly.

How many hours will I have to commit?

The hours vary depending on what area of volunteering you choose. In most cases you will decide how many hours you are willing to commit in consultation with your supervisor.

What is the maximum time I can volunteer per week?

There is no maximum amount specified. The hours are determined by the nature of the volunteer role and the amount of work to be done in consultation with your supervisor.

Is there an induction process?

Yes, all volunteers will receive a Volunteer Information Pack which includes:

  • Volunteers Handbook
  • Volunteers Policy
  • Volunteers Code of Conduct.

You will also receive an on-site induction with your supervisor who will take you for a tour around your designated area. You will have the opportunity to access Council’s intranet where you can view all policies and procedures.

Some areas will require new volunteers to undertake specialist training to prepare for the role.

What if I don't want to commit long term?

Council welcome all volunteers regardless of their ability to commit to long-term involvement. Some volunteers stay with us to complete study requirements whereas others have been with Council for more than 45 years.

Are there any age restrictions?

Yes volunteers must be 18 years and over. There are however, some opportunities for young people with Maroondah Youth Services.

Can I get a reference?

Yes, we are happy to provide a reference. However, you need to have regularly volunteered with the Council for a minimum of 3 months.

Is there a chance that I might gain paid work in the organisation if I volunteer first?

Volunteer roles do not result in employment at Maroondah City Council. You are invited to submit job applications and have the same opportunity as the general public.

Do you pay out-of-pocket expenses?

Yes, the Council pays out-of-pocket expenses that are incurred while you are performing volunteer duties as agreed by the volunteer supervisor.

Do you accept student placements/work experience?

Yes, Council does accept student/work experience placements, however these placements must be applied for via Council’s Careers@Maroondah website.

Do I need a police check?

Yes, as part of Council's recruitment process we ask most volunteers to undertake a police check. There is no cost to volunteers for the police check.

Am I covered by insurance?

Yes, Maroondah City Council volunteers are protected while undertaking volunteer duties as detailed in the relevant position description and directed by the volunteer supervisor. Council provides personal accident insurance, as well as public liability insurance.

Further information

For more information on how you can make a rewarding and valuable contribution to the Maroondah community please call Council on 1300 88 22 33.

Maroondah City Council is committed to being a child safe organisation where all children and young people are valued and protected from harm and abuse. Council has zero tolerance for child abuse. Find out more about Council's child safe practices and Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy.