Financial assistance

There are a number of services that provide financial support to Maroondah residents.

Financial assistance

  • Ambulance travel
    Who: Concession cardholders
    What: Free ambulance and air ambulance travel anywhere in Australia in an emergency or on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Bereavement assistance
    Who: Victorians who have limited or no funds.
    What  Low-cost funeral services and practical assistance.
    A dignified funeral service can be provided where the alternative is a ‘pauper burial’ or an expensive funeral that relatives or friends cannot afford. Bereavement assistance Ltd is a charitable funeral director, registered with the Australian Charities and NFP Commission. They aim to relieve poverty and distress through this service.
  • Department of Social Services Support Line
    Lost income support
    Phone: 1300 653 227
  • Get Active Victoria
    Get Active Kids Voucher Program is a Victorian first and will support children to get involved in organised activities by providing $200 vouchers to help families with the cost of sports equipment, uniforms or memberships.
  • Good Shepherd Microfinance
    Good Shepherd Microfinance enable people to define and then to realise their own economic wellbeing and to feel valued and in control of their finances and lives.  
    People on low incomes.
    What: Low income loans.

    Find a provider

  • Living in Public Housing - making alterations to your home
    Who: People who need to make changes to their home for disability or health and safety reasons.
    What: Free and low cost aids, adaptations and disability modifications such as handrails or ramps.
    In most cases, modifications are provided free of charge when you ask for them and can give us a letter or a report from your occupational therapist or doctor.
    You can submit a request for aids, adaptations and disability modifications by sending the below information. The information you provide must confirm the need and urgency for the changes. It must also detail the type of modifications needed.
    • A letter
    • An application for special accommodation requirements form (.pdf) or the accessible version of the application (.doc)
    • A report completed by a health care professional, like an occupational therapist or a health professional relevant to your disability.
  • Maroondah Assist
    Provides assistance with negotiating with utilities, medication costs, budgeting, NILS-No interest loans scheme.
    • Phone (Ringwood): 9870 3233
    • Phone (Croydon): 9725 7920
  • Mob Strong Debt Help
    Tackling credit, debt and insurance matters for our peoples. Contact the Mob Strong Debt Help line on free call 1800 808 488 (Mon. to Fri. 9.30am - 4.30pm). Open through Christmas and New Year (except public holidays).
  • National Debt Helpline 1800 007 007
    National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit service that helps people tackle their debt problems. We’re not a lender and we don’t ‘sell’ anything or make money from you. Our professional financial counsellors offer a free, independent and confidential service.
  • No interest loan scheme (NILS)
    The NILS program is run by local community organisations at over 600 locations across Australia.
    Who: Individuals and families on a low income or who have a Health Care Card/Pension Card. You must have lived in your current residence for more than 3 months and show a willingness and capacity to repay the loan.
    What: The No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) provides no fees, charges or interest.
    Loans may include:
    • Household items like fridges, freezers, washing machines, stoves, clothes dryers and some furniture
    • Some medical and dental services
    • Educational essentials such as computers and text books
    • Some other items as requested.
  • Salvation Army Financial Assistance
    Financial problems can affect anyone, anywhere, at any time. With debt building up, paying your rent or even buying food for your family can feel overwhelming.
    Money troubles may leave people feeling lonely, embarrassed and isolated. If your financial situation gives you more of an icy shiver than a warm sense of safety, help is at hand. There are many services to help you get back on your feet. 
  • Services Australia - advance payments
    You may get part of your income support payment or Family Tax Benefit (Part A) early. This is an advance payment. You pay it back later out of your payments from us.   Select your payment or service to find out how this impacts you:
    • Tax lodgement emergency support line
      Phone: 1800 806 218 Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
    • Telephone allowance
      Who: People in financial difficulty.
      What: Assistance with the costs of maintaining a telephone and a home internet service.

    Financial counselling

    • EACH financial counselling 
      Who: Low income earners and Centrelink recipients living or working in the City of Maroondah, the City of Knox, Healesville, Yarra Junction and the surrounding areas.
      What: Free and confidential financial counselling service.
      Phone: 1300 003 224

      Financial counsellors can offer:
      • assessment of your financial situation
      • advice if you can’t pay bills, fines or debts
      • assistance to work out payments with creditors
      • help with budgeting
      • information about bankruptcy
      • information about possible government assistance
      • consumer information
      • information about your legal rights. 
    • Financial Counselling Victoria - carer pathway resources
      Understanding that carers are busy people who cannot always be available to speak on the phone about their personal matters, Financial Counselling Victoria have developed a dedicated pathway for you to access financial counselling.  
    • Gambler’s Help
      Who: People who are affected by gambling including friends and family.
      What: Gambler's Help is a free, professional, confidential counselling service. 
    • Salvation Army
      Free financial counselling
      Phone: 1300 371 288

    Government schemes

    • Energy Assistance Program

      The Energy Assistance Program is a free service designed to support Victorians who are having trouble paying their energy bills. The program can support Victorian households with one-on-one help to navigate the energy market; to manage the rising cost of living by saving money on energy bills, and; to understand the energy affordability support available and to take part in the energy market more often. 

    • Energy Concessions
      Who: Eligible concession cardholders
      What: A variety of concessions and benefits to assist low-income Victorians with energy bills offered by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

    • Extreme Hardship Support Program (EHSP)

      EHSP is a Victorian Government program delivered by Red Cross and the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

      The Extreme Hardship Support Program (EHSP) provides emergency financial assistance to people on temporary and provisional visas and undocumented migrants who are not eligible for Commonwealth Government income support. It assists people with zero or very limited savings, income or community support to pay for food, medicine and bills during the coronavirus pandemic. 

    • Utility Relief Grant and Non-Mains Utility Relief Grant schemes
      Concessions on utility bills are available for low-income Victorians experiencing unexpected hardship.
      Who: The department and other agencies offer a variety of concessions and benefits to eligible cardholders to assist low-income Victorians during financial hardship. If you have a relevant concession card, you may be eligible for one of these concessions:


    • Money Minded Online
      MoneyMinded Online is made up of a series of eight interactive activities that are designed to improve your money management skills. You can complete any of the activities at any time and at no cost to you. 
    • MoneySmart
      An Australian Government website designed to help Australians take control of their money and build a better life with free tools, tips and guidance. Steps to look after yourself and your money. 
    • My Money Dream
      My Money Dream is an online financial literacy education program built from a successful 10-year face-to-face program with First Nations communities. 


    Get your finances back on track

    Everyone needs a bit of financial help from time to time.

    Experienced Financial Counsellors, Kim, Julie and Noni from EACH joined us for an information session where they spoke about a range of topics like mortgages, loans, leases, Centrelink debts, utility bills, and fines, as well as effective money management strategies.

    Watch the recording below.