Arts & Cultural Grant Program recipients
Maroondah City Council's Arts and Cultural Grants Program supports a diverse and culturally rich Maroondah through community driven projects, initiatives and events that increase arts profile and participation. These initiatives may focus on a wide variety of art forms.
See more about the latest Arts and Cultural Grants Program.
Arts & Cultural Grant Program recipients

Image: 5 dancers are against a white wall, they are all different heights, one is facing forward the others have their backs to us. They have a red rope they are moving up the wall. There are shadows and purple lights.
Image credit: YourDNA Creative Arts present “Inclusive Dance project” in partnership with Lucy Guerin inc. Performer seen is Kate Sterner. Photo by Eddie Diamandi.
Just Sing Something
The Singing Sandwich Project
Six-weeks of lunchtime singing sessions at Realm, for approximately 120 people working in central Ringwood, working-from-home, commuting, shopping, or looking for an uplifting mood boost. For those who know they can sing, and those who think they can't.
Lipscombe Park Kindergarten
Kitchen Garden Indigenous Mural
Mural by First Peoples artist Simone Thomson (Wurundjeri / YortaYorta) to be installed on the wall overlooking the kinder's kitchen garden. Artist will consult with the kinder community in the mural design and the garden and mural will be open to the broader community to enjoy outside kinder hours.
Maroondah Symphony Orchestra
Next Generation Mentorship and Development Program
A new program targeting young school and university graduates in the community who specialise in double bass and conducting. This program will provide an instrument, mentoring, experience and the opportunity to play or conduct in a symphonic orchestra.
Mel Jeffery & Eddie Andrews
You can't judge a zine by its cover
Creative expression through a series of public zine making workshops for 36 individuals. Participants from cohorts who are often misjudged based on assumptions and stereotypes (target groups include LGBTQIA+, neurodiverse and older people) will explore their identity and share their story via the accessible art of zine making. Zines will be collated and shared as community resource.
Rhys Cousins and Emma X Zhang
Exhibition and public program at MFEG exploring the profound impact of technology on our lives. Funded public program component includes two participatory workshops for up to 40 people in new approaches to light painting and landscape led by the artists.
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Artists of Ringwood District and Their Art
Creation and printing of a book featuring the artwork and stories of Maroondah-based artists throughout history, since the early 1900s.
YourDNA Creative Arts
Site Spark Project
Public activation dance performances in Maroondah precinct which are then recorded and distributed as short films. Collaborating with diverse artists and using bespoke soundscapes, the project aims to activate community spaces through dance.
Previous recipients
- Angharad Neal-Williams
Walk and Draw Outdoor Illustration Workshops
A series of workshops for all ages at Wyreena Community Arts Centre and Maroondah Federation Estate including landscape illustration, walk and draw, and drawing natural objects.
- Australia Chin Community (Eastern Melbourne Inc.)
Community Arts and Cultural Development Program
Program giving young people in the Chin Community the opportunity to learn and enhance their knowledge and skills in cultural practises such as traditional dances and crafts.
- Knaith Road Childcare Centre
Indigenous Art
Installation of a mural by First Nations artist Simone Thomson on the shed in the Centre’s outdoor play area, with visibility to the public in Knaith Road Reserve.
- Multicultural Women Victoria
Our Plants, Our Story
Exhibition and associated public programs at Maroondah Federation Estate Gallery exploring first generation migrant women and their role in the family and community.
- Psylaw Incorporated
Chin Modern and Traditional Arts
An immersive and interactive event featuring modern and traditional visual and performing arts from the Chin community, particularly focused on engaging young people from the whole Chin community.
- Simon Grennan / Algorithmic Drawing Group
Drawing with Algorithms
Exhibition at Maroondah Federation Estate Gallery that delivers an unfolding graphic experiment in the gallery and related spaces, encouraging co-creation, participation, and conversational exchange between artists and gallery visitors.
Free Musical Instrument Lending Library
A program that supports the pathway for older people to trial, learn, practice and eventually perform new musical instruments with their peers. Funds support purchase of instruments, maintenance costs, and the establishment of a lending system.
Hsin Lin, detail from “A Lifetime Grit - Eucalyptus Macrocarpa”, 2021.
- Artur Lyczba ($928)
Training the Eye
An exhibition and public talks at Maroondah Federation Estate Gallery displaying the artist’s painting practice, and exploring his background in art therapy.
- Bushwahzee ($3,250)
Adventure Before Dementia
A staged reading of a new musical exploring positive ageing. Featuring folk musicians and actors, to be staged at Maroondah Federation Estate.
- Hsin Lin ($5,000)
Blossoms of Life - The Eucalyptus Flower For Everyone
A collaborative public art project between visual artist Hsin Lin and poet Lauren Hancock. The mural and poem will be installed at Ringwood Lake Park.
- Jazz Notes ($2,345)
Maroondah Jazz: sharing the joy of live jazz
A free, public event at Ringwood Town Square featuring a professional band and a local youth band covering different styles of jazz.
- Ringwood Highland Pipe Band ($2,250)
Drum Corp Upskilling
A program to refine and extend the skills of the whole volunteer band through the purchase of two bass drum harnesses and engagement of an expert drum tutor.
- Chelle Destefano and Claire Bridge ($5000)
What I Wish I'd Told You. An exhibition and public program that centres Deaf voices, bringing visitors into a Deaf Cultural experience through Auslan stories by a diverse group of Deaf people. Workshops, performances and social events will accompany the exhibition at Maroondah Federation Estate Gallery.
- Fresh Theatre for Social Change ($5000)
The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. A site-specific, outdoor performance of Brecht's The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui to be performed in the Ringwood arts precinct. This will be a local, organic performance of a thought provoking play by a leading local socially-engaged theatre company.
- Jazz Notes ($4994)
Jazz at the Lake. This outdoor music event will bring the community together for a full day of music at Ringwood Lake. This inclusive community event will have wide appeal and will showcase local musicians including a local high school stage band, a big band and well-known singers.
- Maroondah Symphony Orchestra ($1000)
Purchase of chimes. The purchase of chimes will enable the Orchestra to increase its capacity to perform a wide range of musical repertoire.
- Your DNA Creative Arts ($5000)
An accessible spectacle performance piece which will amplify lesser-heard voices of Maroondah to the broader community. PORTAL will present a rare and beautiful story in a high exposure public space, tenderly told and utilising sophisticated sensory and aerial engineering.
- 3D Arts Company ($2300)
Playback performances. Young people in Maroondah will create a public performance in partnership with Melbourne Playback Theatre company. Culminating in a Bringing Back Theatre festival, young actors will once again experience the value of live theatre in the community.
Further information
For further information on the Arts and Cultural Grants Program contact Mattie Young on 9298 4533 or email