Nature Play in Maroondah

What is nature play?

Nature play is when children have the opportunity to enjoy unstructured play activities outside. It gives children the time, space and freedom to explore, discover and find wonder in the natural world as they engage with natural elements such as earth, water and air.  

Why spend time in nature?

It’s vital to teach children about the natural world and encourage them to connect with nature every day.

Time spent in nature has benefits for our health and wellbeing and is proven to:

  • enhance mindfulness - with an increase in focus.
  • increase confidence - through problem solving skills, imaginative play and creativity.
  • increase physical strength - including greater core strength, enhanced balance and increased fine motor skills.
  • create stronger emotional foundations - with greater impulse control and sensory regulation.
  • improve resilience - through awareness of risk, ability to persevere and overcome challenges.
  • reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression.*

*Centre for Ecological Learning Inc.

When people experience and benefit from nature, they are more likely to appreciate and care for it too.

Discover Maroondah’s nature

Young child hugging a large tree

We have so many great parks, walking trails and bushland areas in Maroondah, including:

For a full list of areas to explore, see the Parks and playgrounds page or Walks and trails page.

How to care for nature

As more children and their families enjoy the outdoors and benefit from being in nature, it’s also important for them to understand how to care for the environment too.

Look after nature as you have fun and explore outside together. If you’re in a public park or reserve, don’t break any branches off living trees, or move big rocks, as these are animal homes too.

You should always respect the area you are visiting and leave the site as you found it.

Sometimes you may want to collect some natural materials to take home to enjoy. Please only take a small amount and only ever collect things found on the ground. Never break, pick or tear off living plants and trees, or take any living creatures back home with you.

There are sensitive areas of bushland in Maroondah that are fenced off from the public. Please allow us to continue to care for these special areas, and do not enter them.