Food and Play information sessions

Food and Play information sessions for babies and toddlers are free and designed to help parents and families with food ideas, nutrition and active play to give their baby the best start to life. You will be joined by other parents whose babies are about the same age.

There are groups available for different age groups, such as:

  • introducing solids
  • food refusal and fussy eating
  • tummy time
  • active play ideas
  • the role that parent wellbeing plays in your baby’s life.

Information sessions are facilitated by a Maternal and Child Health Nurse and you will have an opportunity to share and ask questions. 

Information provided is based on the Deakin University INFANT program. The INFANT’ program (INfant Feeding, Active play and Nutrition) is a program developed by child health experts and health professionals at Deakin University’s Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition.

Alongside the Infant program is the My Baby Now app, full of trustworthy, practical advice and tips on feeding and active play with your baby. 


See age groups and program dates below. Use the registration link in each age group to book.

Please note program dates are subject to change. Use booking portal for most up to date information.

My Baby Now app

Information sessions and the companion app will help you learn about:

  • Understanding and responding to your baby’s cues/signs
  • When and how to introduce solid foods and a sippy cup
  • Active play you can do together
  • Strategies for limiting screens
  • Experiences, strategies and tips from other parents

Find out more and get the app

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