New food premises registration

Any business involved in the sale or preparation of food and located in the municipality, must register its premises with Council.

Register your food premises

To register your food premises with Council:

  1. Submit a New Food Premises pre-application form

    To assist with assessing your application, provide information on the type of food you will be preparing and selling, a plan of the premises identifying the fittings, finishes and workflow of the premises.   Your application will be assessed for compliance with the Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 3.3.2 Food Premises and Equipment and Food Act 1984 requirements. A Community Health team member will contact you to discuss your application.

    Once your application is received an invoice for payment will be emailed to you. Applications will be processed within 10 business days.

    The pre-application is only valid for 12 months from date of submission.

    See fees and charges

    New food premises pre-application form

  2. Other Council permits
    You may require other Council permits for your application. View Starting or Growing Your Business for further information on permits you may need.

  3. Fit out your business

    Once your application is assessed and approved, you can fit out the food business knowing you are meeting all requirements. This also prevents structural changes being requested at the registration inspection. 

  4. Application to register
    If your business meets requirements satisfactorily at the registration inspection, you will be given permission to trade following the lodgement of an Application to Register and payment of applicable fee.

Class 4 - Low Risk Food Only - Notification

If you are purchasing a low-risk food premises, you must notify Council by completing a notification form.

A Class 4 food premises is a food premises at which the only food handling activities are one or more of the following: 

  • the sale to members of the public of:
    • (i) pre-packaged low-risk food; or
    • (ii) sausages that are cooked and served immediately, with or without onions cooked at the same time, and bread and sauce – when cooked and sold at a temporary food premises or by a non-profit body; or
    • (iii) packaged or covered cakes (other than cakes with a cream filling) at a temporary premises by a community group; or
    • biscuits, tea or coffee (with or without milk or soymilk) at a temporary premises by a community group; or
  • a wine tasting for members of the public, which may include the serving of cheese or low risk food that has been prepared and is ready to eat; or
  • the sale to members of the public or the wholesale of whole (uncut) fruit or vegetables; or
  • the handling of low-risk food or cut fruit or vegetables and the serving of that food to children at an education and care services facility; or
  • offering members of the public a free sample of a low-risk food for immediate consumption if that food is, or will be, available for sale at the premises in a packaged form; or
  • serving of coffee, tea (with or without milk, soy, almond or any other liquid), alcohol (including the addition of sliced fruit, pasteurised dairy products), water, soft drink (except fermented soft drinks containing a live culture) intended for immediate consumption. This does not include unpasteurised processed fruit or vegetables (e.g., fresh juice) or any drink which has any other potentially hazardous food added, such as unpasteurised egg. 
  • family day care service. 


You can submit your notification online or in writing.


When your notification form has been received and approved, you will receive confirmation via email. 

Apply online - Notify - Class 4 Food Premises

In writing

Please complete the notification form and email it to

Notification Form for Class 4 Food Premises(PDF, 182KB)

Notification Form for Class 4 Food Premises(DOC, 330KB)

Please return form to Council’s Community Health Team:

Classification of premises

Class 1 and 2 food premises must also submit a food safety supervisor certificate and will be required to maintain an appropriate food safety program on site if you undertake any of the following food handling activities;

  • Sous vide cooking, (cooking at less than 75°C) where the food is cooked under controlled temperature and time conditions inside vacuum sealed packages in water baths or steam ovens.
  • Any potentially hazardous food that does not involve temperature control to minimise the growth of pathogenic or toxigenic organisms as described in Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code, Standard 3.2.2.
  • Preparation of acidified/fermented foods or drinks that are ready to eat and have a high level of acidity required to keep food safe, acid may be naturally present or added or produced by the food (due to microbial activity).
  • Preparation of ready to eat foods containing raw unshelled eggs (unpasteurised).
  • Preparation of ready to eat raw or rare minced/finely chopped red meats.
  • Preparation of ready to eat raw and rare poultry and game meats.
  • Off-site catering where ready to eat potentially hazardous food is prepared or partially prepared in one location, transported to another location, where the food is served at a catering event.

And other complex food process activity such as:

  • Pasteurisation/thermal processing, where food is heated to a certain temperature for a specified time, to eliminate pathogenic organisms.
  • Packaging food where the oxygen has been removed and/or replaced with other gases for food safety or to increase shelf life of the food.
  • Any food processing activity which does not involve the use of temperature control, to minimise the growth of pathogenic or toxigenic organisms in food, as described in Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code, Standard 3.2.2.

 More information

Starting a food business?

To learn more about the processes involved when starting a food business, the DHHS Food Safety Unit has two animations to help. The text is also available in four languages (Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic and Hindi)

Starting a food business

Thinking of setting up a market stall or mobile food vehicle?

See more about registering temporary or mobile food premises

Food safety training

Read more about food safety training opportunities

Further information

View terms and conditions