Croydon Traders Parking Permits
As part of the Croydon Major Activity Centre Parking Strategy, Council has developed a Croydon Traders Parking Permit scheme.
- Croydon traders can purchase a maximum of 4 parking permits per business for use amongst staff.
- Permit holders will be permitted to park in designated Permit Zones as marked on the parking restrictions map.
- Permit holders will be permitted to park in the Hewish Car Park (behind Croydon Cinemas, as marked below) in the event Permit Zones are full.
- Parking permits are valid until 30 June each year (pro rata amount is payable as follows)
Please note: Croydon Traders Parking Permits do not apply in the 3 hour parking within the Devon Street Car Park.
See fees and charges
Croydon Trader parking

Printable map
Croydon Trader parking - printable version(PDF, 2MB)
Permit Zone and 3 hour parking signage
Apply for a parking permit
Application forms for Croydon Traders Parking Permits
Note: Application forms must be endorsed by a current committee member of the Croydon Traders Association.
Further information
For further information on Croydon Traders Parking Permits, contact Council on 1300 88 22 33.