Liveable Neighbourhoods
The Liveable Neighbourhoods project focuses on working with communities to plan for places that are more liveable, vibrant and inclusive.
Our vision
Following extensive background research and community input, ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ was identified as a priority area for Council’s Health and Wellbeing Plan.
Key Direction 2.3
Facilitate an integrated network of thriving liveable neighbourhoods across Maroondah that facilitate a sense of belonging and healthy lifestyles, that also enable access to key services and amenities; and education and employment opportunities; and places of connection.
Planning for liveable neighbourhoods also supports the community vision for an attractive, thriving and well-built community in Maroondah 2040: Our future together:
In 2040, Maroondah will be an attractive, sustainable and well built community with thriving activity centres and a network of neighbourhoods where everyone has the opportunity to live, work and play locally.
Why this is important
Liveable neighbourhoods can shape the way we live, feel, enjoy and experience our community and are important for health and wellbeing. Liveable neighbourhoods are safe, attractive, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. Key elements of a liveable neighbourhood include affordable and diverse housing, employment, education, public open space, local shops, health and community services, and leisure and cultural opportunities; via convenient public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure.
Community consultation has shown us that there is a desire to foster local community and create inviting places of belonging within neighbourhoods. Our community would like to see the creation and activation of local innovative spaces and places that provide the potential for passive recreation and social connections. There is a desire for stronger action to address climate change and community behaviour change to reduce environmental impact.
How we move forward
Place Planning and Place Making
Place Planning involves the creation of ‘place plans’ which set the vision for the future of a place. This involves Council working with community members to create a shared strategic plan to guide decision making for future change.
Place Making is often described as a way to inspire people to creatively reimagine and improve their neighbourhood or region. It seeks to strengthen the connection between people and the places in which they live, and create quality public spaces that support health and wellbeing.
Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy
Council is preparing a Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy using a holistic neighbourhood planning approach for Maroondah’s local places. The strategy has a strong internal focus on influencing current and future strategies and policies of Council to enhance and create the features of liveable neighbourhoods as identified by the specific communities that live within our local places.
Current projects
Place Planning for Liveable Neighbourhoods Project
The Place Planning for Liveable Neighbourhoods project (the ‘Project’) focuses on better planning of our local activity centres to create places that are more livable, where people can connect with their community, attract investment, and support local resilience. Council is seeking community input to ensure that local aspirations are included in future planning.
Croydon South and Ringwood North have been chosen as the first focus areas for the Project due to their potential to improve the quality of life for local communities within a walkable area and to build on previous community projects. The Project aims to identify opportunities to bring social, economic, and environmental benefits to local neighbourhoods.
The Project aligns with the ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ focus area of the Maroondah Liveability Wellbeing and Resilience Strategy 2021-31. Liveable neighbourhoods can shape the way we live, feel, enjoy and experience our community and are important for health and wellbeing. Liveable neighbourhoods are safe, attractive, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. They aim to support ‘living locally’ by planning for walkable, well-serviced places where Maroondah residents can meet their needs.
The outcomes of the Project seek to improve Council’s approach to planning for liveable neighbourhoods and are intended to be replicated across the municipality.
Community Engagement
Council is seeking feedback from community members who have a connection with each local area, to inform planning in key areas such as placemaking, transport, housing and the environment and public spaces.
Croydon South Liveable Neighbourhoods Project
Ringwood North Liveable Neighbourhoods Project
Simply complete the survey, provide your contact details, and go in the draw to win a $50 gift card to spend at your local shops. All survey responses will remain confidential but contact details are required to go into the draw.
Feedback will close Monday 28 April 2025.
Further information
For further information, contact Council’s Strategic Planning and Sustainability team via