
Welcome to Maroondah City Council's website.

We have designed this website to deliver a great user experience. Our aim is to help you find the information you require as efficiently as possible.

This website is compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of criteria to help make web technologies and web content more accessible. Following these guidelines makes content accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity, and combinations of these.

  • Our site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for layout and formatting, which makes it more accessible to most web browsers and to specialised browsing environments used by people with visual or physical disabilities.
    Older browsers don’t fully support Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Our site might look a little different when viewed in these older versions.
  • The site is also responsive to the device being used to view it, so will adjust to suit a tablet or phone sized screen.
  • ReadSpeaker is provided as a text to speech application. It will also highlight words and sentences as they are being spoken. You can also adjust the styling of this highlighting to help you read along, and you can find it at the top right of the page.

Please use the Contact feedback form if you have any accessibility problems and we will attempt to fix the problem.

Easy English 

Our Easy English pages give you information that is clear and easy to understand. They are designed for people that find it hard to read, because of a disability or when English is not their main language.

See our Easy English webpage.

Other languages

The information on this website is provided in English, but we recognise that some people do not use English as their first language and translation services are available on request.

We offer some key information translated to other languages used in Maroondah.

You can also use the Google Translate drop down menu in the top right-hand corner of the website to translate to a number of other languages. 

See our other languages webpage.


We build our digital channels to work on the latest stable versions of browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Plugins, ad blockers and individual operating systems can affect the performance of our pages and how content is displayed.

Text and browser resizing advice

The text on a website can be resized in a number of ways, including through your web browser settings. You can usually choose between resizing the entire web site or resizing the text only.

Internet Explorer (5.0 +) 

Please note that at present, this site only supports the zoom method of resizing text in Internet Explorer.

To resize the entire site (zoom method):

Keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl and + (plus key) to increase; Ctrl and - (hyphen or minus key) to decrease and Ctrl and 0 to return to normal size.

To resize text only:

  • Select View from the menu bar.
  • Select Text Size from the View dropdown submenu.
  • Choose your text size from the list (the size you are currently using will be marked).

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox allows resizing of the entire site or text only.

  • Select View on the menu bar.
  • Select Zoom from the View dropdown submenu.
  • Choose Zoom In, Zoom Out or Zoom Text Only from the list.

Keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl and + (plus key) to increase; Ctrl and - (hyphen or minus key) to decrease and Ctrl and 0 to return to normal size.

Mozilla/Netscape Navigator 6.0 or higher

  • Select View on the menu bar.
  • Select Text Zoom from the View dropdown submenu.
  • Choose your size from the list (the size you are currently using will be marked).

Keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl and + (plus key) to increase; Ctrl and - (hyphen or minus key) to decrease.

Opera 7.0 or higher

Opera does not offer a resize text only feature.

  • Select View on the menu bar.
  • Select Zoom from the View dropdown submenu.
  • Choose your size from the list (the size you are currently using will be marked).

Keyboard shortcuts: Using the number pad, use + to increase, - to decrease and * to snap back to normal.)


Safari offers methods to resize the whole site or the text only.

  • Click View on the menu bar.
  • Choose Zoom In or Zoom Out or Zoom Text Only.

Keyboard shortcuts: Press Command/Apple and + (plus key) to increase; Command/Apple and - (hyphen or minus key) to decrease and Command/Apple and 0 to return to original size.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome does not offer a resize text only feature.

  • Select View on the menu bar.
  • Select Zoom In or Zoom Out from the View dropdown submenu.

Keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl and + (plus key) to increase; Ctrl and - (hyphen or minus key) to decrease and Ctrl and 0 to return to normal size.

PDF downloads

Some larger documents are available from our site in Portable Document Format (PDF).

  • The size of the file is indicated in brackets.
  • A Microsoft Word version of the information is also provided where possible, sometimes without associated images.

If you are unable to view any content, we can provide the document in a format more suitable to your needs. Contact us on 1300 88 22 33 to make a request.

Tell us what you think

If you like a particular page, or have found something not quite right, please let us know.

Most pages have a feedback section at the bottom, or you can: